Play With Fire

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Cassandra stared at Riddle with highly amused eyes. Her plan was to get the fellow redhead's attention by being her usual rebellious gremlin self, so she could talk to him and figure out why he was acting like he had a stick shoved up his ass. She certainly didn't mind the unintended side-effect of having him get all riled up. He looked cute when he was angry.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?! Not only have you ruined the roses, but we can't change them back! Paint, magic, nothing works! The Unbirthday party is tomorrow, and you've ruined it! It's all your fault!", Riddle yelled, looking like he was physically resisting the urge to jump across the table and ring Cassandra's neck.

The unnamed dorm members were quietly observing the confrontation with eager eyes, meanwhile the Heartslabyul dorm members were slowly ducking under the table in the hopes of avoiding the tiny boy's wrath, and the two boys from Scarabia just looked back and forth between the confrontating dorm leaders apprehensively. Cassandra, who was only half listening to what the shorter boy was saying in favor of watching his facial expressions, then took her feet down and leaned forward, folding her hands under her chin.

"Imma stop you right there, Rosehearts. You can't do shit to me and I'll explain why, but before I do all that, stop trying to act intimidating.", she said bluntly, holding up a hand to emphasize her point. Riddle bristled.

"What?!", he yelled indignantly, but Cassandra paid him no mind and continued.

"You. Are not. Intimidating. You're cute, like a puppy trying to fight a St. Bernard; I mean, you wear your tie as a bow. No-one who does that is intimidating. Also, you're like five-foot-two and you have the face of a twelve-year-old. Puberty was neither kind nor cruel to you because it never bothered to pay your ass a visit. I'll also go ahead and make this clear before you even try it; don't try to lord your Unique Magic or your status as a dorm head over me, because I don't fucking care.", Cassandra said. Everyone from earth looked highly amused. Everyone from Twisted Wonderland was looking at her in shock and mild terror. What was she doing?!

The tribrid then leaned back in her chair and folded her hands in her lap, using Riddle's shocked silence as an opportunity to do this. She grinned at him with a smile full of fangs and a look that said 'try me bitch'.

"But all that aside, how may I help you today, little red?", she said cheekily. Riddle looked like steam was about to start shooting out his ears.

"I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD, YOU-", Riddle started, about to raise his magic pen and follow through with his plan, but he was interrupted once more.

"Ouch, damn, no need to yell. We get it, you're angry. For someone so small, you sure do have some big lungs.", Cassandra said with a fake wince, before smirking. Riddle's right eye began to twitch.

"You know, I honestly didn't think someone so small could get so angry, but I guess that's what happens when your attitude is bigger than you are, and all that excess rage needed to go somewhere-", she started again, and that was what sent Riddle over the edge.

"Enough!", he yelled out, pointing his magic pen at the tribrid's face. Cassandra only looked at the pen with a grin and a look in her eyes that said 'really?'.

"Cassandra Mikaelson, for the transgression of tampering with the Queen's roses, off with your-!", he started, and everyone from Heartslabyul looked away, not wanting to see their friend/girlfriend lose her head. They widened their eyes in surprise, however, when they heard Riddle be interrupted.

"Rule number 796.", Cassandra stated nonchalantly. Riddle put his pen down slowly and blinked in surprise.

"What?", he asked, wondering what she meant. Cassandra smiled.

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