Our Souls will Never Leave Your Side

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After she suffered through her unwanted subscription to Lucifer's monthly waterfall of blood, Cassandra began the last of her business in New York; saving Ash Lynx and recruiting the most trusted members of his gang.

She arrived at all the members' (Alex, Bones, Kong and a few dozen others) residences with Shorter, Skip and Eiji. After some dramatics about the 'dead having risen' and some 'where the hell have you been?'s directed at Eiji (He had contacted Max, Ibe and his family to inform them of his... situation so they could reassure Ash and tell him he had gone back to Japan, and asked Cassandra to provide them with proof. He had, however, neglected to inform the gang of his location and status, leading them to assuming the worst.), they agreed to her plan of moving their base of operations to the big easy and going legit, if their boss agreed to go with her.

She agreed to these conditions and set about saving Ash. She wasn't able to get to him before Lao, but she was able to find his suicidal self via her visions.

She found him bleeding out on a table with a smile on his face. Apparently, Ash Lynx did not want his living privileges anymore. Well too bad, because he was keeping them whether he liked it or not.

After force-feeding him vampire blood and calling some of her father's guys to come and help her get him to a clinic whose staff she had compelled beforehand (you can never be too careful), she almost never left his side as she waited for him to wake up. This gave her an immense sense of deja vu, and she was almost certain about what was going to happen when he woke up.

Every day he was unconscious she drew him a hand made card; something she would have done for her other boys if she had had the time, putting every ounce of artistic skill her father had passed on to her into them. She mostly drew golden Lynxes, though sometimes she drew Ash himself in moments of happiness, like the one she did on day nine where she drew him sitting on a bench at New Orleans City Park, radiantly smiling through a shroud of Spanish moss.

Cassandra was painfully aware of what he had gone through, her visions and dreams had shown her everything, just as they did for Yut-lung and the others, and never in all her short life had she been more disgusted with the human race. She was young, but she wasn't naive. The Mikealsons had more skeletons in their closets than any graveyard could possibly hold. She hoped that Cade or whoever was running Hell now a days paid extra special attention to all the horrible men the boys had encountered, and that their souls would never find peace.

When he finally woke up around the morning of the sixteenth day as she was finishing up a drawing of a golden lynx laying on the balcony railing of Rousseau's, the first thing she did was say "You're awake!", and threw her arms around him. She was already mostly sure of what he was to her, and when she looked into his eyes she was able to confirm it with herself.

Ash, meanwhile, had no idea what the hell was going on, who this girl was, why he was here, or why he was even alive. All he knew was that he felt clean for the first time in forever and that this girl was warm and kind and he felt the need to hug her back and reassure her that everything was alright, that he was alright.

This girl felt familiar in a way only one person had before, and even then it was still so different. The pull he felt toward her and the feelings and emotions he had were very similar and yet so different to what he felt for Eiji. Eiji was one of the most important people in his life and he felt the same way he always had for him, but this girl was different and he just couldn't figure out how.

She left his embrace, something he felt vaguely upset about, and he looked down and finally got a good look at the girl's face. She was about 14 or 15, her hair was a wild and wavy blood red (was hair even naturally that color?), Her eyes were a glowing gold with slits down the middle (that was also a very odd feature.), and she had unusually sharp canines he could see poking through her wide grin as she smiled at him (okay, just what the hell kind of gene pool pops out a kid who looks exactly like Smaug's long lost human love child?).

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