Shock, Confusion, and Attempted Arson

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The headmaster and student population of Night Raven College were both very confused. A little over half an hour ago they had come to the dark mirror's chamber to begin sorting students, and found seven of the gates almost completely destroyed. Bits of them flung about the area, and the few that still had their lids attached looked as if someone had broken out of them from the inside.

What kind of beings were they to be capable of waking up from the powerful sleeping magic hours before the ceremony and punching holes in the gate lids? Just what had the dark mirror let into their school? The headmaster had declared they would sort the rest of the first years and then go search for the missing students, but as the last freshman, a Diasomnia student named Sebek Zigvolt, was sorted, everyone was reluctant to look for these mysterious students.

A certain white haired dorm leader shifted nervously, "So... which one of us is going to look for them?", he asked his fellow dorm heads.

"None of us, that's who, the headmaster is in charge of all the new students until they are sorted, so he should go and look for these wayward souls. Right, headmaster?", a particular deal maker said slyly as he pushed up his glinting glasses, causing the flamboyant man in question to flinch nervously.

A man with lion ears and long brown hair smirked, "Yeah, that's true. None of those seven are sorted yet, so none of them are our problem.", this caused the elaborately dressed man to take a few steps back from where he stood in line with his dorm heads. This wasn't good.

He wasn't weak, but that didn't mean he wanted to purposefully go looking for several possibly hostile unknowns alone. He was hoping he could shirk this particular responsibility off onto Azul or Riddle, but apparently even they were hesitant to take on the task. Dire Crowley sighed, this was certainly turning out to be quite the day.

A short red haired boy spoke up from beside the headmaster, "All misbehaving students are our problem, Leona!", but even he was slightly hesitant as he said this.

Nothing like this had ever happened before, not even during Malleus Draconia's orientation. Those sleeping spells were as old as the school itself and said to be modeled after one of the Witch of Thorns sleeping spells, and while the gates weren't as strongly enchanted it is still scary to think that people who can punch holes in three inch thick wooden lids are running around here unchecked somewhere.

A tablet floating a few feet above the ground echoed the sound of its owner electronically, "Do you really want to go looking for the people who did that to the gates? Even with your Unique Magic, Riddle, I doubt you could deal with them single handedly. They look like they have some protagonist level stats backing them up."

A beautiful blonde and purple haired boy nodded in agreement, "Yes, for once I agree with... whatever Idia just said. let's leave this up to the headmaster, it's his responsibility as an educator after all.", he said, smirking and looking pointedly at the man in question.

Crowley flinched and went to squawking in his own defense,though none of the dorm leaders would hear of it and it seemed that he was going to have to resign himself to searching for the missing students. But just as he was about to start towards the doors, they both slammed open loudly.

Everyone in the chamber turned towards the direction of the noise. There stood seven figures clad in the school's ceremonial robes. They all had their hoods up as far as they went, so no one could see their faces. All anyone caught a glimpse of was their glowing eyes. Two of them held the doors open as the other five walked in. They all walked in a diamond formation, with their robes rustling quietly as they walked.

The students moved out of their way without hesitance. The mysterious figures said nothing as they walked. The two who had held the doors open released them and joined the others in their odd formation. Without fail, they continued in the direction of the headmaster, and the one who seemed to be the leader of the figures stepped forward as the others stayed behind. They were of a taller than average height and seemed to be holding something in their arms.

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