Diasomnia Dinner Time! ...We're all Doomed

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"A little to the right! Okay, okay now a little to the left!", Cassandra yelled, hands cupped around her mouth as she called out orders to Shorter and Ash. They grunted as they shoved the heavy object they were tasked to move back and forth, which was covered by a white cloth, along a newly installed podium on main street, right in front of Maleficent's statue. Once it was perfectly centered, Cassandra held a hand up.

"Stop, stop! That's perfect!", she yelled, and both men released the statue with great pleasure. Grinning, Cassandra turned to face Sam, who was standing beside her with his hands on his hips.

"Thanks for getting this commissioned, Sam; I don't know if I ever would have got this done without your help. I'd probably end up having to carve the damned thing myself!", she laughed. Sam smiled at her warmly.

"It's nothing, really. I just placed the order, you're the one who paid for it.", he rebuffed. Cassandra shook her head with a smile.

"Still, you came all the way out here to help us set it up, so I thank you.", the redhead replied. Sam blushed but said nothing as the girl turned away from him to face her guys.

"Okay, you can take the sheet off now!", she yelled, and the two men both nodded before swiftly yanking the sheet of the mysterious heavy object.

It was revealed to be a statue of the infamous Dr. Facilier, who stood staring at them with blank eyes and a charismatic grin, bent over his cane as if looking down at someone. All four of them came to stand in front of the statue, smiles on their faces as they admired the craftsmanship.

"It's nice to see him finally getting the recognition he deserves.", Sam said, a glint of pride in his eyes as he looked up at his ancestor. Cassandra looked at him with affection in her eyes, something both of the men behind her noticed. This didn't go on for long, however, as a squawk of indignation ruined the mood.

"Mrs. Mikaelson! What in the world have you done now?!", Dire Crowley yelled angrily. Cassandra rolled her eyes, groaned, walked over to the man and turned to face the man with a smug smile.

"Headmaster, how lovely of you to drop by for the erecting of our founder's statue!", the girl said in a fake cheerful voice. Crowley's glare only intensified.

"I never gave permission for this! And founder?! Your dorm has no founder!", he yelled, and Cassandra took great pleasure in pulling out a set of official looking papers and holding them in his face.

"Yes you did. Two days ago, you signed these forms that allow us to erect a statue, name our dorm, and participate in dorm events. You also named me dorm head and made Ash my vice, remember?", she asked, but the way she said it made it sound like she was telling him. Crowley's pupils dilated and undilated, and he shook his head as he seemed to recall something.

"Y-yes. Why, yes I did. I apologize Mrs. Mikaelson, carry on.", he said in a dreamy tone of voice, before walking back to campus. Shorter came over to look at the papers over Cassandra's shoulder, and smirked when he saw the loopy signature on the front paper's dotted line.

"I gotta say, for someone who supposedly doesn't participate in illegal activities, Eiji sure can forge a signature.", the purple haired man admired. Cassandra smirked at the papers.

"He's our Veronica, so to speak; but a signature can only get us so far. Now that the fool can corroborate our claims, we should be good to go.", the girl compared with a not-so-subtle Heathers reference. Sam watched the interaction in confusion, not having heard the conversation due to staying by the statue with Ash to give the girl some privacy. Once Cassandra returned to him, he looked at her in worry.

"What happened? Are you in trouble?", he asked in concern. The girl gave him an award-winning smile.

"It was just a little misunderstanding, nothing to worry about.", she reassured, and Sam reluctantly let the situation go. Their attention was soon diverted to the right as they heard the sound of someone running down the street, away from campus.

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