Realizations, Opportunities and the Morality of Trying to get Drunk in a Library

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A good three of the five hours had passed. The group had found a map of the library at one of the desks and had used that to find the kind of books they needed. Those being books on world history from the last 100 years, geography, native magic and how it worked, history and culture of the various countries in Twisted Wonderland, civil and criminal law of those various countries, and the history and mechanics of the school.

Due to Cassandra's edict memory and Ash and Yue's high intelligence, they managed to read and memorize all of the necessary books they had found. They now knew of the seven main countries of this world, the creatures that inhabited them, their cultures, how the magic here was supposed to work, world history from the last 100 years, the schools rules and houses, and the rules of the houses.

They knew these things, but that didn't mean they understood them.

"So, wait, since the Ignihyde house is based off of Hades... does that mean the Greek gods are real?", said Shorter, still trying to wrap his head around how things worked here.

Cassandra looked at him from where she was sitting at the head of the table, petting Grim, who was still in her lap. "Most likely, yes, since in the movie all of the pantheon and its myths were confirmed as real.", she said, smiling at Grim as he rolled around in her lap.

She had read about familiars in one of the books on magic, and knew that they were something high level mages had. She was a very powerful witch by her world's standards, so a familiar sounded like a great idea. She could see Grim had a slight attitude, but he was mostly well meaning, not to mention adorable. He seemed like the perfect fit. She would have to ask him if he wanted to be her familiar before the ceremony.

"So does that mean the Greek gods leaked here from our world into this one and rule over our world too, or is it the other way around?, asked Eiji.

Cassandra shook her head, "Not sure. Whatever the case, though, we should probably start burning sacrifices if we want to have all the possible advantages here."

"Not only is this school a cult, but it's a Disney villain cult, great.", said Yue, tired and done with this bizarre situation.

"For the last time Yue, this school is not a cult.", Cassandra said sternly.

The boy stood up and slammed his hands on the table, "Then what do you call those statues Skipper found on that road, huh?! Cult idols! That's what they are!", he exclaimed.

Cassandra sighed, "It is perfectly normal to build statues of famous historical figures in places like schools. So, please calm down and help us try to figure out how the hell this place works.", she said.

Yue groaned, "I'm too sober for this.", he says as he pulls out a bottle of wine from seemingly nowhere and twists off the cap.

Cassandra's eyes widened as she shot up out of her seat and rushed over to him, "Where did you get that?!", she asked as she took the bottle from him.

Yue shrugged, "Shorter gave it to me when you weren't looking."

Cassandra startled, "Shorter?!"

Shorter shrugged as he pulled out a bottle of bourbon, "I got it from that bag over there". He pointed down to a satchel bag beside an empty desk.

Cassandra took the bourbon from him and went over to the bag, Grim flying behind her. The bag was purple with green leaf embroidery curling up the handle and three pockets on the front. She opened it, reached inside, and grabbed something. She was expecting to pull out alcohol, instead she pulled out a bowl of hot orange chicken and pork fried rice.

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