Love at First Bite

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Yut-lung did not wake up for one long, hellish week. It was agony waiting for him to wake up, despite the fact she knew he would be fine, but it got her wondering. Why was everyone she turned taking so long to wake up? It normally only took a few hours, but almost everyone she turned took a few days to a week. More specifically, Yut-lung and Shorter. Perhaps it was connected to how her blood tasted to Shorter, and perhaps Yut-lung due to how he drank a high amount of it like most people would with something they enjoy.

When he woke up, he was very... energetic, to say the least. She woke up on the morning of day seven to the smell of something delicious, though she couldn't figure out what it was.

When she got to the kitchen, she saw a sight that made her rub her eyes in confusion. Yut-lung, standing at the stove, with an apron and wearing a sweater and jeans she put in the dresser in his room for him, humming along to a pop song on the radio while making some Chinese looking breakfast food.

Shorter was at the kitchen table, looking just as shocked. Griffin and Skip were there too, looking rather confused as well. Shorter heard her walk in, and turned to her mouthing the words 'What the fuck'.

She walked over to the purple haired man, "He's gone crazy, there's no way that's the same guy that blackmailed me. This has got to be a sign of the apocalypse, when do you think the blood rains will start?", he said mildly petrified.

Yut-lung must have heard this as well, because shortly after that he turned around and faced her with a serene smile on his face. The whole scene was rather... domestic, it made her stomach do something.

"Ah, you're awake!", he said, "I took breakfast duty off of your Uncle Elijah and Shorter, I hope you don't mind. Also, Shorter, just because vampirism didn't do jack for your mental health doesn't mean you have to be salty about it". Shorter let out a choked noise as Yut-lung practically sashayed back to the stove and started handing out serving size dishes of noodles and wontons out to everyone in the kitchen, including her.

'Damn, I didn't even think he knew the meaning of the word salty in that context.' She thought.

"Ah, thank you Yut-lung, I didn't know you could cook." she said, deciding to just give him answers to the things he asked and let him lead the conversation as she took a bite of her breakfast. Huh, it was actually really good, she thought.

He smiled brighter, "I couldn't! I learned a little bit after I woke up last night. I woke up at 3 am, but I had so much energy. I learned 10 traditional Chinese recipes, 5 American and even asked your uncle Elijah to teach me some traditional New Orleans ones. All of them the vampire versions with blood mixed in, of course. There are leftovers from all of my attempts in the fridge if you don't like wontons. I also had a few bags of blood from the freezer and borrowed one of your daylight bracelets to go shopping, I hope you don't mind that either"

He then hung up his apron and washed his hands, after which he came back over to her and took both her now free hands after eating into his. "I feel stronger than I ever have, I can hear things from miles away, see in the dark, I can even control people the way you do. I feel alive for the first time in my life, and I have you to thank."

Cassandra smiled, "I was only doing what anyone with my capabilities should have done in that situation", 'Vampirism amplified his personality a lot more than it did for Shorter and the others. He seems happier though, much more outgoing. This might be a good thing.'

Not even a second after she said that, she felt something soft on her lips and heard a chorus of shocked gasps and what sounded like breaking glass.

Yut-lung was kissing her.

If this was anyone else she would have shoved him off immediately and asked what the hell had gotten into him, but with him it just felt right. She felt like this was exactly what should be happening, and little did she know he felt the exact same way. This was how it should be. Yue, her precious Yue. That's right, he was hers just as she was his, and she would always cherish and love and protect him. She felt something primal, something feral take over in that moment.

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