Cassandra Mikaelson

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The world Cassandra is from is the 'modern' world aka the world of The Vampire Diaries. Magic exists there, but is rare and well hidden, and most people have no idea it exists. The magic of Cassandra's world works similar to the witches of the vampire diaries magic, with most spells being spoken chants. Vampires also exist, as well as werewolves and the Originals. The magical inventory artifacts that used to belong to the O'Connell family are all in Cassandra's possession. Cassandra is known as the "Queen of the Quarter", as she is the most powerful witch in the city, a tribrid and the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, "The Great Evil", as well as Caroline Forbes. She is the co-leader of Ash's relocated gang, Which she took the liberty of naming the "Ashes to Ashes" gang, while his guys still take orders from him, her orders are considered above his. The gang has stopped being a criminal gang and a lot of the members have become civilian consultants for the NOPD, helping to keep New Orleans 100% free of organized crime, including the Corsican Mafia. She owns the "The Coven House'', which is run out of, ironically enough, the old O'Connell church and is by day a gym, by night a restaurant/club, and in times of crisis a halfway house and shelter. The gang staffs and runs it most of the time. Her and her Court members will sometimes help wait tables, cook and run the bar.

She lives at the Mikaelson family compound with her parents and family, Aslan Jade Callenreese aka Ash Lynx (her lover/right hand), Shorter Wong (her lover/attendant), Yut-lung Lee (her lover/left hand and PA), Skip (her friend/courier), Eiji Okamura (her lover/publicist), and Griffin Callenreese (her friend/bodyguard) all of which are vampires and members of her inner circle called "The Court of Miracles" or The Court for short, which serves as a sort of knights of the round table thing for her. Cassandra has many powers:

She can see glimpses and 'episodes' of the past, present and future through visions and dreams. The amount of information they reveal depends on how long they are and the quality of them, which can vary vastly. Most of the time the visions are dreams.

Does not have to be invited into private property.

She is very knowledgeable about different types of magic and spells.

Can compel people and other supernaturals.

Has hybrid speed and strengthCan turn into any animal, even likely non existent ones, though the reasons for her being able to do this are largely unknown

Is a talented artist, musician, dancer, fashion designer, singer, song writer, botanist (curtesy of her Yut-lung Lee), baker and cook.

She's good with large, dangerous animals. One time when she was four she wandered into the bayou during a picnic and managed to make friends with an alligator. Her mom and dad nearly had a heart attack when they saw their daughter riding Bert Reynolds (the alligator).

Cassandra Mikaelson was born in New Orleans, at 11:11 on Halloween night to Klaus Mikaelson, The 'King' of New Orleans and his wife, Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson, a normal vampire who had been given the ability to have children via an old ritual her husband had coerced out of a small coven of German witches. Cassandra was born with very powerful magic. They were not aware she had inherited her paternal grandmother's and great aunt's magical abilities, and only became aware after Cassandra made a dead rose at the dinner table come to life and bloom when she was two. She was then taught magic by every spell master Klaus could get to teach her (Read: Blackmail into), due to her not wanting to attend the Salvatore school because of her unwillingness to leave New Orleans and her family's general dislike of the Salvatore brothers and those associated with them.

Cassandra became the beloved heir of the Mikaelson family, Klaus doted on her and was very proud of what his child could do. Elijah taught her how to play the piano, Rebekah took her shopping and bought her more things than she really needed, Kol and Davina taught her every spell they could, Freya did the same, and Klaus taught her many foreign languages, civil and criminal law for many different countries, cultural customs, and every little thing he knew about art. He also taught her how to be a ruthless fighter, but he saved those lessons for when she was a preteen.


I own nothing except Cassandra and the occasional OC, the rights to everything else from this fic go to the creators of the pieces of media used here.

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