The Many Morbid Uses of Vines and Kalim's got Game

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Cassandra walked into the cafeteria, Grim on her shoulder, the Excalibur book open in one hand and a red tumbler cup that read 'Bite Me' in silver glitter and extremely extra font (a gift from Professor Trein's daughter, Diana. After she had been informed of her and some of the Court's 'condition', she had sent them red cups with witty remarks on them to hide the fact they were drinking blood. Also as a gift for her father's 'favorite students'.) in the other as she sipped her O negative from it. The other vampires were all holding similar cups, as well.

The entire cafeteria seemed to look at them when they walked in, but none of them paid them any mind. The tribrid walked over to a table in the center of the room, grinning widely when she saw its shape. It was large and round, likely big enough to host nearly three dozen people; too large for Cassandra's comparatively small group, but she couldn't help giving into the universe's inside joke. Taking a seat in one of the surprisingly nice black cushioned wooden chairs, everyone else followed suit, taking seats on either side of her. Setting her book and cup down, the golden eyed girl got up and looked over at the human members of her Court.

"Boys, do you want anything from the cafe? My treat.", she asked, knowing they had eaten a light breakfast and were likely extremely hungry (and broke). Grim and the other guys grinned and looked at eachother. They rushed over to get in line for lunch and Cassandra laughed and started to follow after them. Yue got up and followed after her, much to her surprise.

"Didn't think you'd want food, darling.", she said. Yue shrugged.

"I'd like to see what they have so I can lie to Shorter and say his cooking pales in comparison.", he said casually. Cassandra chuckled and the two joined the others in line.

For a while they were left to their own devices, talking and going on about all the food they were going to get (Grim wanted half the menu, and Cassandra agreed to buy it all so long as he shared with her, which shocked Ace and Deuce.). This unfortunately didn't last too long however, because just as they were about to get to the front to place their orders, a small band of Heartslaybul students came rushing around a corner with plates of food. They were loud and not paying attention to their surroundings, which resulted in the person who seemed to be the leader of the group crashing into Grim and Skip, who were playing around in front of the others. Everyone was fine, thankfully, and Cassandra and Yue walked over to the two to check them for injuries. Skip turned and smiled up at the older students.

"Sorry about that sir!", he said, genuinely sorry for causing trouble. Grim nodded in agreement. The leader only glared at him and growled when he saw his tray had been jostled, causing his food to be tossed about a bit. He then stalked over to the two boys.

"That was my lunch you just ruined, you little pricks! How do you plan to pay for this?!", the boy yelled, causing Skip and Grim to flinch at the volume of his voice. Cassandra glared at the student and stalked over to him.

"Do not speak to those children in that way; they were only playing, and while they shouldn't have been doing it in the lunch line, I take full responsibility for letting them do so. They apologized, and your lunch is a bit disheveled but fine, so I suggest you stop talking and walk away before you cause a scene.", Cassandra hissed, pushing the two nervous looking children behind her protectively. Yue, Deuce, and Ace came to stand a little ways behind her, arms crossed and seething glares on their faces. The other group saw they were outnumbered at four to three, and the two lackeys began to look nervous, but the leader played their numbers no mind and kept yelling.

"No, they messed up my lunch, so they should pay for it! Either with money or blood!", he said, taking another step towards Cassandra. The tribrid just glared at him with even more venom before smiling menacingly. At this point, every pair of eyes in the lunchroom were on them, and the rest of the Court looked ready to get up and assist their fellow members, but Cassandra only shot them a look that said 'stay where you are'.

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