Why You Shouldn't Make Important Decisions Drunk and a Baker Boy's love

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Divus staggered back to his apartments, cheeks flushed and eyes red from crying. He had an impressive alcohol tolerance, but the five glasses of wine he had partaken in coupled with the upsetting revelation he had just had made his mind muddled and his physical abilities inhibited.

He had left the bar a while after Cassandra and Deuce found the mirror and went back to the school, not wanting to be seen by either of them, especially in his current distraught state. Running a hand down his face, Divus ignored the worried Rowan at his side and collapsed onto his armchair, the same one he had been sitting in when the mark-

Seven, he couldn't even think about it without crying.

He sobbed, covering his mouth to muffle the noise. Rowan whimpered and laid his head in his lap, which caused Divus to hug his dog for dear life and fully break down. He cried and cried until he couldn't anymore and when he couldn't, he sat thinking, staring at the ceiling with dead eyes.

He had no right to be this upset, none at all. He had already accepted that Cassandra wasn't his and that she never would be. He wanted to be happy for her and Deuce, he really did. Cassandra was an amazing woman and one of if not his best student, while Deuce certainly wasn't on the same academic level as Azul or Ash, he still tried his hardest and Divus appreciated the effort that he so rarely found in his students. The boy was also kind and loyal to his friends, so Divus liked him quite a bit; but everytime he thought about him and Cassandra together under that streetlight, he wanted to sick Rowan on him and have him rip his throat out so he could take his place. Scowling, Divus sat up and began to think.

He had an idea. It wasn't a good one by any means; in fact, it was actually rather terrible. It would do more harm than good in the long run, and he would likely regret it later.

But Divus didn't care about that right now. He wanted to get some catharsis, and in his drunken state, this was the only method he could think of.

Getting up, Divus marched over to the coffee table in the center of his living area and began rifling through the stacks of graded worksheets, pointedly ignoring Cassandra's perfectly correct worksheet at the top of one of the first year stacks for the sake of his crumbling mental state. Eventually, he found what he was looking for.

A piece of black, white printer paper. A perfectly inconspicuous item for what he was about to do. Grabbing the paper, Divus placed it on an empty part of the table and looked for his second item, the red permanent marker he used to grade assignments. Once he found it, he uncapped it, placing the cap on the end of the marker for safe keeping. Then, with a determined expression, he glared down at the paper and began writing.


Cassandra groaned and covered her eyes, blocking out the sun that flickered into her room through her window. She had fallen into bed the minute she had made it up to her room, not bothering to wash off her makeup or change clothes. Deuce had walked her to the door, not being able to stay the night due to them both having school in the morning and not wanting his gossip hungry roommates to ask where he was all night when he showed up with wrinkled clothes and smudged makeup, with Ace smirking knowingly all the while. He sweetly kissed her goodnight, getting on his tiptoes to do so, and told her he loved her before running back to the mirror. Cassandra laughed a bit. She would never get over how much taller she was than most of her boyfriends.

Reaching over to her nightstand, the girl mindlessly felt around for her phone so she could check the time and see how horribly late she was for her first class. She felt well-rested, so she could only assume the worst.

Keys, pen, sketchbook, necklace Excalibur, Riddle's eyeliner (she still needed to return that)... Her phone!

She picked it up and held it towards her, arm still on the nightstand. Spreading her middle and index finger of the hand that covered her eyes, Cassandra peeked through her fingers so she could see the dreaded time. Her eyes widened, and she immediately shot up like a rocket, sitting up in bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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