Welcome to the Queen's Domain

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Cassandra awoke in an enclosed space. She blinked the sleep away from her eyes and looked around as they quickly adjusted to the darkness. She remembered everything from before she lost consciousness involving the mirror, but where was she now? She ran her hands up and down the sides and top of her containment. It felt like an old fashioned wood coffin. Cassandra doubted she had been buried alive, despite her confines. She didn't smell earth or rocks, so she must be above ground.

She sighed, hiked her legs up, got into the fetal position, and kicked her legs out. The lid of the coffin came flying off the hinges and flew across the room, with Cassandra managing to hold herself in place by bracing her forearms on the sides of the coffin. She then noticed the coffin was floating about fifteen feet in the air. After realizing this she merely shrugged and jumped down from her morbid loft. It was after this she noticed where exactly she was.

The room she was in was less of a room and more of a grand chamber. There were no walls, only elaborate windows with dark, velvet curtains divided by arches. Torches were held on these arches, a light with flickering orange flames. A beautiful chandelier hung from the ceiling; it appeared to be made of a mix of crystal, chains and iron with the lighting an eerily glowing purple. Strings of white crystal were strung about the ceiling, occasionally dipping into pendulums of green. Coffins similar to hers floated about, and the floor had engravings on it that looked reminiscent of a magic circle. Odd tree-like lanterns attached themselves to the ground, lighting the way not much better than the torches. The most obvious aspect of the chamber, however, was the reason she was here in the first place.

Lo and behold, there stood the silver mirror in all its elegant glory, hovering above a small water fountain. The glass of it was an unreflecting black, similar to how she found it. Now, Cassandra knew that most people, hell, most supernatural creatures would be confused and unsettled if they were in her circumstances, but she was not most supernatural creatures. She had seen things that would make most vampires of any age call bullshit. Her fiasco with the siren a few (what she assumed were) hours ago was one of these cases. The supernatural community only accepted the existence of the three main factions due to their population, and most forgot about the not as powerful but still there creatures. So when she says things like 'I met the devil' and 'sirens are real', people tend to believe her only because she is a Mikaelson.

So, long story short, she had seen a lot of shit for a 16 year old, most of which was much more dangerous than this. Compared to all the things she had done in the last two years, this was a pretty normal Friday.

With that internal tangent out of the way, Cassandra began looking for her Court. She knew she heard Skip's voice and felt multiple hands grabbing onto her before she fell through the mirror, and Skip never went to places like graveyards without the others, so she was certain they were all here somewhere.

Cassandra was about to start breaking into the other coffins when she heard a banging. It was coming from a coffin about seven or eight feet in the air. She went over to it after using a spell to bring it down a bit and proceeded to rip the lid off, and there stood a very confused looking Eiji. Without saying a word she picked him up bridal style and carried him to the ground.

Eiji looked up at her exasperated, "You know I could get myself down, right? It was only a two foot drop.", he said.

Cassandra smiled, "Yeah, I know. I just like taking any chance I can get to carry you like the princess you are.", she said as she gently put him down, causing Eiji to pout.

After Eiji finished his pouting and mumbling about how he 'Wasn't a princess', the tribrid began to look for her other mates/Court members. She didn't have to look for long, however, as she saw four other coffins get their doors kicked and punched off.

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