The Crimson Tyrant vs. The Once and Future King

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Cassandra looked herself over in the mirror as she buttoned up her white dress shirt. It was the morning of her duel with Riddle, and she was more than ready to kick his ass six ways to Sunday. She smiled as she fastened the last button when she heard Cater, who was still lying in her bed, mumble in his sleep and bury his face further into her pillow. She had decided to let him sleep in after they had spent the night laughing at Magicam in her bed and being a couple. Taking her pocket watch out of the pocket of her black trousers, she checked the time. The duel was at noon, so they had a few more hours before they had to go. Putting the watch back in her pocket, she looked up and frowned when she saw the reflection of someone standing behind her.

"Look at you, getting all cleaned up. Any special occasion?", the figure asked, and Cassandra was unamused to find Hades's knife-filled grin staring back at her in the looking glass. Not in the mood for small talk, Cassandra resolved to ignore him and went about her business at her vanity.

"In a way, I suppose. The eve of war is as good an occasion as any.", she responded flatly as she brushed her hair with Kalim's brush. Hades laughed.

"That it is, that it is. Your boy toy must sleep like the dead to not have noticed me coming in, ya know; I would know.", Hades noted with a cheeky grin, before gently taking the brush from the king and proceeding to brush her hair himself. Cassandra did nothing to stop this.

"Cater is not my 'boy toy'.", the redheaded girl said as she glared at Hades through the mirror. The god's grin widened.

"Right, sorry, the latest addition to your boyfriend squad- ", the flame headed god began, only to be cut off by Cassandra standing up and snatching the hair brush out of his hand. She glared at him, and Hades held his hands up in surrender.

"Get to the point, Hades.", Cassandra growled, before she sat the brush down and placed her hands on her hips.

"Why are you here? I doubt you came all this way to engage in social niceties.", the girl asked, getting straight to the point. Hades sighed.

"I'm bored. Perse is at her mother's for the week, Pain and Panic are about as interesting as pieces of white bread, and everyone else works for me. Do you have any idea how awkward it is to have a conversation with your boss off the clock?", the death god finally admitted. Cassandra went about her business and checked the mirror one last time to see if her collar was straight.

"I'd imagine it's rather unpleasant.", she noted off-handedly. She had never had a boss, so she wouldn't know. Hades appeared in front of her in a puff of gray smoke.

"Ya think?!", he said loudly. Cater squirmed in his sleep, and Cassandra glared at her patron.

"Shhhhhh!", she hissed, and Hades, wanting to keep his limbs, calmed down. Sighing once more, he unceremoniously flopped down onto her red loveseat.

"There's nothing to do down there! Hell, I'm so bored I even ended up mindfucking your headmaster into thinking those two freshmen were about to ring-fight their dorm head.", the god complained in a much quieter voice as Cassandra glared at him.

"That was you?!", she whisper yelled, and Hades snorted.

"Heh, yeah. Honestly, I've got no idea how that guy became headmaster. From what little I've seen him do, he's got to be one of the biggest morons I've seen since Icarus with the wings and the sun.", the gray skinned deity said with a wide goofy smile, and Cassandra snorted before sitting down in one of the red velvet chairs across from him.

"Yeah, and he's just as arrogant, too. Next time you choose to enter the bird's head like a brain worm, however, I ask that you leave me out of your accursed antics.", the golden eyed girl requested, and Hades raised an eyebrow.

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