31|Take off your clothes

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Chapter 31
"Take off your clothes"

"Thank you so fucking much." I muttered to Sam after I walked over. "No problem, you looked a little uncomfortable." He smiled at me, pulling out a bag of red plastic cups.

"Yeah a little." I copied his actions, grabbing a second bag.

"Does that happen to you a lot? The whole guys surrounding you thing?" He asked, but then he seemed to realise what he said. "Oh I'm so sorry, you don't have to answer that." He said quickly.

He's so sweet omg

"No, no you're okay, and I mean I guess? I kinda just stopped paying attention to it." I shrugged, stacking some cups on top of each other, creating 3 different stacks.

"Well I'm sorry it happens, guys can be really fucking stupid." He seemed so genuine about what he said. "It's not your fault, but thank you." I smiled at him.

"Of course, also do you mind if I ask you something?" He looked at me for a second. "Go for it." I told him. "Uh do you like Colby? Oh, sorry, that's a stupid question." He sighed. "Can I be honest with you?" He nodded immediately.

"I don't like him, at least not right now, I mean I barely know the guy." I laughed lightly, and so did he. "But I think I could see myself, like in the future, possibly, maybe liking him." I said the last part very quietly.

"Alright, that good, cause I funk he could possibly, maybe see himself liking you. In the future of course." He smiled teasingly at me.

"I just wanted to ask cause, he uh he's never really been in a real relationship you know? So he's probably not gonna be great at it. I'm not saying he won't try his best, cause I know he will, but it might take some time." He explained. "I'm telling you this cause I don't want either of you to get hurt, you seem like a really cool person, and Colby's my best friend."

I smiled at the blonde man next to me, he really does care about Colby. It's really sweet.

"Thats extremely nice of you Sam, I really appreciate it." I gave him a hug, which he quickly leaned in to. "Of course Aurora. If you even need to talk about anything, or whatever I'm here okay?" His eyes met mine. "Alright, I'm here for you too Barbie." He laughed at the stupid nickname.

"Hey is everything okay?" Colby walked into the kitchen, his eyes darting between the two of us. "Yeah." I said "Everythings perfect." Sam finished.

"Alright, people just started pulling up, is everything set up?" He asked us, but Sam more specifically. "Yep were all good."

After about an hour then whole house was filled. I had taken a few shots with Kat when we got dared to each do a body shot, so I was a little loopy.

I had never been the biggest drinker, I mean occasionally I'd get a little drunk but it wasn't a super often thing.

I was currently outside by the pool talking to a pretty drunk Aryia. He was actually pretty chill. Mike was alright too. I still wasn't super sure about Brennan. He kinda creeped me out.

Stop that Rory. You can't judge people without knowing them

I shook away the thoughts I  my head, excusing myself from Aryia. I went into the kitchen to grab something to drink, there was about 10 people in here already so it was a little crowed.

"Hey you." I turned around. "Oh Brennan right?" I asked. He smiled, "yep that's me." He held out his hand for me to shake, which I did.

He kept my hand in his, bringing my closer. It was about to pull away when I realized he was trying to tell me something love the load music. "Follow me, it's too loud over here." He said.

I was hesitant, I looked around for Colby or Sam, or anyone but I couldn't find them. "Um yeah okay." I walked with him.

He pulled us around the dozens of people, I had no clue where we were going.

"Hey do you know where Colby is?" I asked him. His face changed for a second, but half drunk me didn't realize that at the time. "Yeah actually he asked me to take you to my place. Him and Sam are hanging there." He told me.

If I was sober, I never would have believed that, but everything was pretty blurry for me then so I stupidly agreed.

His apartment was only about 5 minutes down the road. He brought me in, and I looked around. "Where Colby?" I turned to him, he was taking off his jacket.

"In the bedroom, follow me." And so I did.

He's not here?" There was a bed, a dresser, and a closest but no Colby.

"Take of your clothes." What?

"Sorry what-" he inturupted me. "Now."


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