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Chapter 6

"What the fuck!" Corey exclaimed, putting his hands on his head.

"Are you sure they aren't just messing with you?" Sam asked, trying to stay calm.

"Positive, they may be stupid but they wouldn't do anything that extreme." I shook my head.

"I'm gonna call them." I decided to call Izzy. She is definitely the worst liar, and she always answers.

"Hey girl is everything okay?" She picked up immediately. "How far are you guys?" I spoke into the phone. "Um like 15 minutes, we took a wrong turn." She's telling the truth.


"Oh alright, um try and hurry okay?" I tried my best to keep my tone even. I do not want to freak her out. "Yeah of course Rory, are you alright?"

"Oh yeah, we're fine just a little cold." We had sent them to get a few things, a lighter being one of them. "Alright, we'll hurry okay?" Her voice was soft and smooth. "Okay, I love you." I said. "Love you too."

"It wasn't them." I told the guys. "Oh shit." Jake cracked his knuckles. "You think?" Corey was pacing like crazy.

"Is there anything else that could have been? Like legitimately?" Sam looked me in the eyes. "No. It wasn't anything falling, or cracking it was like-" I froze.


Oh shit.

"It was in the basement. It had to of been."


"Why did it have to be the basement?" Corey looked at me.

"One of the things this hospital was known for it um, something- some of the workers here, would go into the basement and make homemade b-bombs and cut open the dead patients and put the bombs by their hearts and stitch them back up so they could watch the thing explode. Sometimes the people weren't even dead." I watched the blood drain from their faces.

"What we heard was an explosion in basement. A few people have reported hearing them before, some even got it on camera." I was really starting to panic now.

I mean I had heard voices, and cracking and booms and practically everything, but nothing had ever been that fucking clear.

"We heard it when I was about to open that door." Sam pointed out. "How much do you wanna bet that door leads to the basement?" Colby looked at both of us.

"I am fucking leaving right now." Corey stormed outside. "Dude wait." Jake ran out after him. "Should we-" I nodded outside. Sam and Colby shook their heads. "Jake can calm him down."

"So what do you guys usually do when something like this happens?" At this point Sam had set down the camera but he kept it recording just in case.

"Either try and go investigate or just sit and chill you know, try and calm down." Colby explained. "I think the latter is best for this situation though." Sam pointed out and I nodded.

"My friends should be here in like 5-10 minutes in think so we could just get our beds and everything set up I guess." They nodded quickly. "I'll go get Jake and Corey." Sam walked out leaving me and Colby alone.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" I couldn't figure out why but he looked worried. "Yeah, a little freaked out but I'm okay why?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"You're shaking a lot." He took my hands in his. "And you're freezing." His hands lightly grazed my arms as he placed them on my shoulders. He pulled me into him slowly, letting me pull away if I was uncomfortable.

I leaned into him for a reason I do not know. I barley know him, I know that, but I think I just needed someone, anyone.

His breathing was much steadier than mine, and he smelled like the rain, if that's makes any sense.

My head rested in the crook of his neck, he just held me. He didn't care that he didn't know me, he didn't care that his friends could walk in at any second, he didn't care about my cold skin touching his, he didn't care about any of it. He was just worried about me.

"Thank you." I mumbled into his chest, I wasn't even sure he heard me. "You don't need to thank me beautiful." He spoke into my hair, his hands lightly running through it.

I slowly pulled away, not wanting to, but knowing I should. He gave me sweet yet small smile, I returned it.

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