25|Slightly worrying pain tolerance

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Chapter 25
"Slightly worrying pain tolerance"

"God I fucking hate flying." Dylan said as we got off the plane. "Your such a pussy." Grayson nudged his shoulder. "I'd rather be a pussy than die because I made a stupid decision." He replied and they continued to bicker.

"Chris and I are gonna get going." Matt tapped my shoulder. "Yeah totally, thank you so much for coming." I responded, giving him a hug. "It wasn't as horrible as I thought it was gonna be." Chris shrugged as we said goodbye.

"Can I go with you guys? I have to go to my brothers house." Izzy said to them. Her brother lived in the same apartment complex as they did. They both nodded. "I love you!" She called out to me.

"BITCH!" I turned just in time to see Jake running at me. "HOLY FUCK DUDE YOU GOTTA WARN ME." He picked me up. "I'm still mad at you." He muttered. "Oh get over it." I said.

"Sleeping beauty, are you doing anything friday?" Corey asked me from next time Jake, I shook my head. "Wanna come to a party were throwing?" I thought about it for a minute before agreeing. "Why not."

"Thanks so much for this week Aurora it was so much fun." Sam gave me a hug as I smiled. "Of course, thank you guys."

"I'll see you friday then?" Colby came up to me. "If your lucky." I shrugged. "Oh come on." He pulled me into him, god I don't know how he always smells so good.

We talked for a few more minutes before Dylan wanted to leave so I said goodbye to them and we headed out to our Uber.

"Did you have fun?" Grey asked me, sitting up front and shoving us in the back. "Yeah actually I did, I hope you guys liked the hotel room." I chuckled. "It was honestly great not doing anything all week. I hate work." Dylan said. He worked at a music store and they had crazy hours most of the time.

"Speaking of work, when are you gonna get another tattoo Rory?" Gray worked at a tattoo parlor, he had so many tats just because he got bored a lot. "Maybe I can come in tomorrow?" I said and he nodded.

"Dyl, you should get one." I said, turning to my friend. "Oh hell no, are you crazy?" He shook his head. He was deathly afraid of needles. "It's not that bad, I barley even feel them." I told him.

"Thats cause you have an extremely high and slightly worrying pain tolerance." He mumbled and I laughed.

I pulled out my phone after feeling it vibrate.

You have been added to a group chat by Favorite Whore 💅🎅
Golden Retriever 👻👑
Care Bear 😱🧸
Colbs 🩷

Ghost Busters 2.0 👻🚫

Favorite Whore 💅🎅
Hey bitchhh we know your coming over friday butttt

Care Bear 😱🧸
Would you maybe wanna
head over Thursday and go to the beach with us? These dumbasses are making me go and I need you to protect me from demons.

Golden Retriever 👻👑
Feel free to say no of course, we don't
want to pressure you

Golden Retriever 👻👑
Also, I don't think theres gonna be any demons at the beach Corey

Care Bear 😱🧸
You never fucking know Sam

Colbs 🩷
Guys she's probably already sick of us, you do not have to come Rory

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