29|Whatever you say pretty girl

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Chapter 29
"Whatever you say pretty girl"


"Ready to spend way to much money on things we do not need?" I turned to Jake in the passenger seat. He nodded happily.

We had just gotten done screaming "What makes you beautiful" by one direction. Colby and Sam were so incredibly done with us. "Oh god." They muttered.

As we walked into the building, Colby took my hand in his. Him and Sam talked to some fans while Jake showed me a Shrek stuffed animal. "Can I please get it?" He asked. "Why not." I shrugged, he smiled.

"Hey, you guys can do your thing, we're gonna go buy some shit." I whispered into Colby's ear so I wouldn't inturupt Sam's conversation with the fans. "Alright." He grinned lightly.

"Let's go my child." I held out my arm and Jake linked his with mine. "Yes mom." He started walking over towards the video game section.

About 15 minutes, and around 200 dollars of useless crap in our cart later, I was getting summoned to the home decor section by Jake.

"Yes?" He turned around, showing me a led sign, it said "please don't do coke in the bathroom" he was trying to stifle his laughter. "Put it in the fucking cart." I muttered, he jumped up and down like a child.


"You guys were in there for 3 fucking hours." Sam and Colby had retreated back to the car after about 30 minutes. "Your point?" Jake and I said together, giving each other a high five.

"Did you at least have fun princess?" Colby sighed as he opened the backdoor for me. "Yes I did." I smiled, he chuckled.

"Do you even want to know how much money you guys spent?" Sam asked, putting the car in drive after Jake shut his door.

"You definitely don't." He shook his head, Sam nodded. "Oh also, can we go to the mall by chance? Some new merch just dropped and I gotta see it in person." Jake said, Colby turned to me.

"That okay with you gorgeous?" He asked. "Yeah, I actually have to get an outfit for tonight anyways."I told him, looking in his eyes.

His eyes are so pretty

"Perfect." Sam smiled brightly, pulling out of the Target parking lot. It was currently 2 pm, meaning I should probably start getting ready around 8 since the party started at 9:30.

As we pulled into the mall, we unconsciously split into group's. Jake and Sam went to one side of the mall and Colby walked with me to the other.

After about 30 minutes, I had already went into about 3 stores. Colby just followed me around like a lost puppy. It was honestly pretty fucking cute.

"Tell me if you find something you like." I told him, walking into another store, he nodded cluelesly.

He walked up to me like 5 minutes later with a very short red dress.

"You sure you want all your roommates and a bunch of other guys seeing me in that?" I asked jokingly but his eyes widened.

"Good point." He turned around and I laughed lightly.

I had found a black sparkly two piece, the top was a cropped off the shoulder, long sleeve, and the bottom was a skirt. It wasn't too long, but it also wasn't too short.

"Do you like it?" Colby looked up from just phone, he nodded almost immediately. "Are you sure? I don't wanna look bad." I looked back down at the items in my hand. "Hey look at me." His eyes met mine.

"You would quite literally look like the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in any item of clothing, trust me love." His voice was low and quiet.

Holy mother of fuck
Rail me please.

"I don't know how to respond to that." My voice came out as a pathetic whisperer, I mentally scolded myself. "Your bright red cheeks say all I need to know." He ran his fingers along my waist, keeping eye contact. He had a small smirk on his face.

"Shut it Brock." I looked away, silently begging myself not to fall apart right there and then.

"Whatever you say pretty girl." God fucking damn it.

"Lets just get out of here." I mumbled, walking past him to the check out. "Hi, how are you doing today?" The lady asked as I handed her the items.

"Fantastic." I smiled tightly. "How about you?" As I was talking to her, I somehow didn't realize Colby pulling out his card.

"Don't you dare-" I lowered my voice so she couldn't hear me. "Here you go." He smiled at her, she took the card before I could stop her.

I'm killing him

"Thank you." I muttered as we walked out. "Anytime." His eyes were full of amusement. Asshole.

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