14|The basement

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Chapter 14
"The basement"


"Are there any spirits here with us?" Sam asked, as we all put our fingers on the planchette.

Nothing happened.

"Do you want to talk to us?" Jake shrugged as Colby looked at him.

Nothing happened.

"Who are you?" It was Colbys turn now.

Nothing happened.

"How did you die?" As soon as the words left my mouth, the planchette started moving.

It was slow, but strong


Me and Sam glanced at each other, already knowing what it was spelling.


It stopped.


Well thats just lovely

"What does that mean brother?" Jake asked, cluelessly. "Torture." Colby said and Corey jumped up. "I just got chills bro!"

"Well that's not good." Jake pointed out. "You think?"

"It only responded to you." Sam looked at me. "You should ask it something else."

"Who killed you?" I said, as Corey sat back down.




Shit. I thought




"Get out."

Chills ran down my spine. I had just heard a whisperer in my left ear, Sam was on my right.

I froze.
I couldn't move it's like I was stuck.

"Rory, hey you okay?" Colby tapped my hand lightly.

As I told them what happened, we all heard a loud boom.

All of us stood up and ran towards it, me and Sam going into the adults wing, thinking Colby, Jake, and Corey were behind us.

I turned around seeing they weren't there, they must have went into the childrens wing.

I was about to tell Sam, but he went to the basement door. "I just heard a voice." He opened the door and started walking in.

I tried to pull him back, but as I stepped on the first step down, the door slammed behind us.

It was locked.

"Sam." I tugged on his sleeve as he turned when he heard the noise.

He started banging on the door, trying to open it but it wouldn't budge. "Guys this isn't funny!"

"It's not them." I shook my head. "They ran the complete other way, I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the same predicament we're in."

"What the hell are we supposed to do?!" I looked at Sam's hand and realized he had left the camera and no one has our phones so we have 0 light.

"We have to go down I guess." I looked down the stairs. It just looked like a black pit.

We are so absolutely fucked.

"God dangit." Sam looked terrified.

"We got this come on." He took my hand, moving me behind him. "You shouldn't go in front, just incase something happens."

He's such an angel.

We had no clue how many steps there were, and basement means no windows so we had no way of seeing where we were going.

I felt Sam lightly stumble, he told me he reached the last step, and made sure I didn't fall. "Thank you." I smiled even though he can't see me.

"Okay so I'm guessing, that Colby, Jake, and Corey also got locked down here so be careful." I told Sam.

"Aurora?" I recognized that voice. "Colby?!" I called out, trying to feel around. "Yeah yeah were here, where are you? Is Sam okay?"

Sam and Colby exchanged a few words as we tried to find each other. I don't think anyone realized how huge this basement is.

I felt something that I assumed to be a wall, I kept a hand on it, running my fingers along the cold surface.

I yanked my hand back as I felt a wet substance. I let out a small scream, feeling my hand, trying to figure out what it is.

"Rory? Where the hell are you, what happened?" Colby was panicking a bit, I tried to calm him down saying I just touched some water or something.

I knew it wasn't water though, it was too thick.

"Please tell me thats one of you grabbing my shoulder."

Everyone freezed, you could no longer hear the scuffing of feet on the dirty floor.

"I'm not touching anyone." Corey and Jake said together. "It's not me." Sam told me. "Me neither." Said Colby.

Oh fuck fuck fuck.

I tried not to scream, I felt it for about 5 seconds before it stopped, it felt like it was being pulled of me.

"Who am I touching?" Sam spoke. "That's me brother." Jake sighed relieved.

"Okay we just need Aurora then." Colby said, as I accidentally stepped on someones foot. "Oh fuck." Colby muttered. "I'm so sorry." I felt him with my non liquid covered hand.

I had forgotten I was wearing combat boots.

After about 15 minutes, we had finally made our way back to the door, luckily it opened this time.

As I our eyes adjusted to the light, I looked down at my hand and my heart stopped beating.

Holy shit.

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