32|part 1 (tw)

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Chapter 32
"Part 1"

TW ⚠⚠

If you don't want to read this chapter I will completely understand, you can skip to the next chapter if you get uncomfortable, you'll still understand everything don't worry <3 ily guys

"What do you mean?" My voice was shakey now. "Take off your fucking clothes." His barked. His tone was sharp. It was straight up scary.

I nodded, my eyes we're wide and watering, my legs were unstable, my head was pounding, I was not in good shape.

I pulled my top off hesitantly. He must have gotten impatient cause he ripped it off my body.

Everything since then was a complete blur. But I remembered his hands.

Oh my god his hands. Even the memories hurt.

The way they touched my body in ways I had never been touched. They way they felt me in a way id never been felt. They way his eyes devoured me, and saw things no other guy had ever saw.

The way his voice made me shake under him. The way he told me I deserved it. They way he made me do things to him. And the way he made me let him do things to me.

He said it was okay, because of the noises I had made. I didn't want to make the noises, I didn't enjoy it one bit, but he said I did. He told me so many times I'd actually believed him for a second.

He told me if I cried, then he'd do it again. It happened about 5 times before I stopped crying. He told me if I didn't let him- do those things he would tell Colby I begged him to.

He would make him think I was a slut.

The pain was horrible. When people talked about sex, they talked about it in a way that was completely different from what I'd experienced. Maybe it was because of the alcohol or how I didn't want to do it.

Even when his hands weren't on me, I still saw them. I still felt them. They were still there, even if they weren't.

I woke up on a bed completely unfamiliar to me. I didn't even know where I was or what happened until I saw him.

He was laying next to me, asleep. He looked so peaceful. I looked down at myself, I immediately regreted it.

His hands
All over me
Touching me
Feeling me

I suddenly had the urge to rip all my skin off, he was everywhere. I looked at one of his hands. There was strands of my hair tangled between his fingers.

I couldn't breath, it was too fast, too slow, not enough air, too much air. It was suffocating me. I clawed at my throat. Breath Rory. Breath.

I finally came to my senses. I slowly stood up form the bed, backing up slowly to the door. I slowly peeled it open, as quiet as I could.

I checked to make sure he was still asleep. He was, thank fuck.

I looekd down at the floor, trying to find my clothes but they were ripped up. I found a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants on the ground.

I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to wear his clothes, I didn't want to smell like him, but it was my only option.

I took a breath, pulling the clothes on. I walked through the apartment quickly, I reached the front door. I pulled an incredibly fake smile onto my fave before exiting. I didn't know if I'd see people so I had to be prepared.

I didn't want to know what I looked like right now. My hair was most definitely a disaster, I felt under my eyes, there was black all over my fingers from my mascara.

I called an Uber with one of Brennans neighbors phones. Luckily I was a good liar so hiding how I felt was never super difficult for me.

I didn't know where to go. I had left my phone at the trap house so I decided to go there.

I told the driver the address. It was a guy.

I don't know what I'd noticed that, or why it stuck out to me. Things like that never had before. But I noticed anytime we passed a man on the street, I held my breath.

What was wrong with me?

"We're here miss." The driver said. The make driver.

Stop that Rory.

"Uh- um yeah thank you."

I walked up to the door, I didn't know if I should knocked didn't know the time, I didn't know if anyone was awake or not, I didn't know anything.

Knock once, knock twice.

The door opened after exactly 43 seconds. I know cause I had been counting.

"Rory? Oh thank god, we were so worried-" Sam was the first face I saw, Kats popped up behind him. She immediately told him to shut up. He listened. "What why?"

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