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Chapter 1

"This shit is terrifying." The red brick building came into view as we stopped the car.

"Oh come on Dylan, it's not that bad." I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing my backpack. "Not that bad? Bitch please there's probably blood stains on the stairs." Lizzy looked at me from the backseat.

"Where even are we anyway?" Matthew asked as Grayson tried to reach my door, but I opened it before he could. "Asshole" he muttered, grabbing Lizzy's door.

"The Taunton State Hospital, also known as The State Lunatic Hospital of Massachusetts." I looked forward, ignoring him.

"Jesus fuck, so it was for crazy people?" Chris came to stand by me, tossing me a piece of gum, which I thanked him for.

"Basically. It was a psychiatric hospital. A few of their most famous patients were a serial killers." I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited. I loved scary things.

"Holy mother of bananas I do not want to go in there." When the last person got out of the truck, Grayson locked it, tossing me the keys.

"Your such a pussy Dyaln." Matthew mumbled. "Why don't you go first then?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Hell no." He answered quietly. "That's what I thought. Aurora, you go." They both shoved me forward.

"Yeah yeah alright." I always end up being the first one in.

The place was fucking huge. The top almost looked like a church. It had a sort of enclosed bridge connecting 2 building.

As I walked in, the temperature immediately changed, suddenly the cropped sweater and jean shorts I had on were not exactly convenient.

"God damn it's fucking cold in here." Chris wrapped his arms around me, attempting to warm his body. "Hands off." Grayson yanked him off me.

"You could say that again." Matt replied to Chris. "God damn it's fucking cold in here." He repeated. "Its an expression dumbfuck." Matt shook his head walking inside more, near a piano in the back corner.

"I really don't think coming here was a good idea Ror." Lizzy came by me. "Thats the point darling." Grayson kicked a brick against the wall.

"It's okay Iz, I promise if something bad happens we can leave." I smiled at her at she pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail.

"If I die." Dylan pointed at me. "It is completely your fault." I shrugged. "Whatever you say."

"Hey, I think there's something over here." Matt and Chris had ventured off into a smaller, yet still large, room next to this one. The other 4 of us shared a glance and walked over to them.

"What is it?" Grayson made sure to go in front of Izzy and I just in case.

"Some type of circle?" Chris was looking down confused. "That's a pentagram." It was almost burnt into the floor. "That's not creepy at all." Dylan stepped back.

"Actually, pentagrams are used as a sort of protection against bad spirits, I'm not sure if they actually work but I guess it's something." I remembered all the research I had been doing for the last year since we started exploring these places.

"That's comforting I guess." Izzy attempted to smile. Grayson rested a hand on her shoulder, giving her a small smile.

Me and Chris shared a knowing glance, a tiny smirk on his lips.

"Does anyone know what time it is?" Matt asked, leaning against a door frame. "I left my phone in the car." Chris spoke. "Me too" Grayson and Izzy said together.

I looked to Dylan as he shrugged. "So none of us have our phones?" Everyone shook their heads.

How fucking stupid are we?

"I'll go get them." I sighed, exiting the room quickly. As I skipped down the stairs, I turned to go to out car, which was parked on the side by the trees, out of view from the driveway up.

I unlocked the car, and grabbed everyones phones from the middle counsel. It was currently 5:17 so it would start getting dark in around and hour.

I looked at the back seat, and realized we still had some stuff we have to get. God my friends are incapable.

As I shut the door I heard a sound everyone who does what I do dreads.

A car


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