21. Jammity Calamity

Magsimula sa umpisa

I backed up out of the room, definitely having enough of my exploring, and scurried back to the guest room.

But I was still holding onto that onesie

I put it down on the bed and peered at it suspiciously, really bamboozled as to why I was so interested in it. I put June down next to the spread out onesie and she flopped forward on it, obviously reciprocating my feelings
"I dunno June, it's babyish"

June was silent but her silence spoke volumes to me
"Buh if Andi finds out, he'll think I'm babyish"

I picked up the onesie once more, June rolling over and making eye contact with me.
"Fine! Ill try it on. Don't be such a meanie June"

With alot of pushing from June I decided to try the onesie on, aiming to quickly out it over my pyjamas then discard of it like it never happened

I got one leg in, stopping briefly as I got confused over the lack of foothole. When suddenly the doorbell went off and I yelped loudly in surprise, jumping and falling over.

Andi called out to me and I lay, humiliated, on the the bedroom floor.
"It's probably just a delivery jam!"
I heard him leave the office and panicked for a moment, frantically trying to get the onesie off me. But Andi went down the stairs and I breathed a sugh of relief.

I calmly took the onesie off my leg and threw it to the corner before running out after Andi to see what delivery arrived.

I sat at the top of the stairs and watched him open the front door. Andi was caught off guard.
"Hello- Oh!"
The door was opened wide enough for me to see and older woman on the other side.

I immediately jumped behind the wall to keep out of sight but still listen in.

"Now that is hardly the way to greet your mum!-"
The old lady laughed and handed Andi a tin.
"I made you scones"

Andi was at a loss for words
"Mom, I'm sorry, but what are you doing here? You didn't call-"
He sighed
"Alright come in"

I peaked around the corner in shock as Andi let the intruder in, even if she was his mum. Andi gave his mom a hug and followed behind while she forged on to the kitchen.

I pouted furiously, if this old bat took up all of Andis time he'd be busy with work for even longer and I'd be stuck bored forever!

I had a spark of hope, maybe Andi was just being nice to get the scones (whatever they were) but then she'd be gone.

I listened intently to two chairs being pulled out.
"She better not be sitting in my chair"
I hissed to June

I heard Andi shake the tin, joking
"Can I offer you a scone, drink maybe?"
"If you have any going I'd love some tea, or coffee, whatever you have dear"

My heart dropped, she was staying. But I couldn't allow that. I needed to come up with a plan.

I retreated to my room to get changed.


"So Mom what is the meaning of all this"
I asked as I buttered a second scone, slopping on some jam and sliding it over the table before sitting down next to my intruding mother.

"Andrew I have a bone to pick with you"
I groaned, before getting myself comfortable.
"Go on then"
Mom stirred her tea while she straightened herself up to begin explaining.

"I know there's something going on with you Andrew, and I have some theories"
"I'm sure they're all very rational"
The stripey knit clad woman jokingly hit me with her tea spoon.
"They are!"
I laughed
"Tom told me you thought I was kidnapped"

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon