Untitled Part 56

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"There is no more day drinking." I glared at my father the next day.

Currently, I have my father, Kia, and Alaina sitting on my couch as I lecture the three of them. Matt is sitting on the loveseat smiling since he's not being lectured for once. However, my father is a giant man-child and keeps making faces so the girls are trying not to laugh. Dickhead.

"It only started with a glass or two. Then Kia was teaching Suzie how to salsa dance, then Alaina helped me." My dad smiled.

"Dancing with another man, huh, babe?" Matt smirked at Alaina.

"How's your manager?" She growled, wiping the smile off of Matt's face.

"Did he forget we are all adults?" Kia whispered to my dad.

"No, he just thinks he has the upper hand, sweetie." My dad smiled at her.

I rolled my eyes. I'm so irritated from yesterday, but I'm also rather amused. Plus, it appears that the three of us need to discuss yesterday and everything that occurred. Sober, that is. Those two were shit-faced last night, so there was no reason to try and discuss anything.

"And for the love of fuck, no more baths with Jimmy!" I all but yelled.

"I second that." Matt nodded.

My father, being the smart ass he is, raised his hand. I let out a sigh.

"Yes, dad. What is it?" I asked.

"Can I take a bath with Jimmy and the girls in your tub? Then that way it's not just Jimmy in there." My dad smiled.

Alaina and Kia are practically choking on their laughter. Even Matt snickered as I glared at him. Kia nodded at me and cleared her throat.

"It was a valid question." Kia agreed.

"Enough already!" I exclaimed. "Ladies, I'm sorry we didn't tell you about the video, alright? And the whole manager thing was all Matt."

"Really, fuckface?" Matt glared as I smiled.

"I wasn't letting that piece of shit call either one of you bitches or psychos. Fuck that. He's lucky that's all his bitch ass got." Matt seethed.

Damn it. He's getting pissed off all over again. I shot Matt a look but he wasn't caring. Someone talked shit about the woman he loves and he's pissed.

I don't blame him for yesterday. He saved me the trouble of having to do it myself. However, I do not need the Hulk popping off again.

"It's a name, Papi. It doesn't mean shit to me. I don't even know the guy either. Don't get so upset." Alaina said, sitting next to him.

"I told him to stop. I warned him. He kept going." Matt mumbled. "Then he said shit about Kia, too. About both of you."

"Goddamn it. Now I have to hug him." Kia whispered to my dad.

My dad openly laughed at her. I grinned, watching her get up and walk over to Matt. Kia smirked at him, then leaned down to hug him. Matt of course is happier than a kid on Christmas with this. Kia smirked at him.

"See? All better now." Alaina told Matt, kissing him quickly.

"What about me? I stood up for you too." I grinned at Kia.

She giggled and kissed me quickly, then sat down beside me. As my dad and Matt chatted about our album, my phone rang. I was rather confused when I saw that Maria was calling me. She doesn't normally call me unless it's very important. I excused myself from the room to answer the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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