Untitled Part 29

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I spent so much time finding Brian a present for his birthday. I mean, what do you get a man who already has everything? He was impossible to shop for.

I finally settled on some guitar picks that were white, black and purple, that also had their deathbat engraved om them. I had one of my cousin's create a small wooden box for him to keep them in for safe keeping. The top of the box had Synyster Gates etched into it.

Now, I'm nervous as hell to give him his gift.

"What's this?" Brian asked me when I set the small gift bag down in front of him.

"A monkey. Better hurry, he's pissed from shoving himself into that small bag." I smiled.

Brian chuckled, but took the tissue paper out of the bag. I sat quietly, trying not to fidget. Brian carefully examined the gifts I gave him, then turned to look at me.

"This is the best gift anyone has ever gotten me." He said quietly.

"I doubt that." I breathed out.

"No, I'm serious. This was so thoughtful of you. Thank you, sweetheart. I love it." He smiled, kissing me.

"Thank god. I had no idea what to get you." I sighed.

"We went over this. I told you not to get me anything." He said.

"Women say that too, but they never mean it." I smiled.

"Very true." He laughed. "But I did mean it. I'm just glad you're here with me is all."

Such a sap.

The thing about Brian is, he is a pretty emotional person. He may not seem like it, but he really is. He has gotten better about talking to me, instead of bottling all of his emotions inside and exploding.

I wish I could say the same thing for myself, but I am working on it.

Anyway, fast forward to Brian's birthday party.

The guys apparently invited anyone they knew or had a tour with at some point in their career. Johnny's house was overflowing with people. I couldn't believe it, and it made me very nervous. I know hardly anyone here. At least my brother and Alaina were wandering around.

I was making my way back from the bathroom, when a hand clamped down on my wrist. I froze in terror. I didn't want to look to see who it was. I just wanted to run.

"Dude! Don't do that shit to her!" Jimmy hollered.

Finally, the mystery person came into my view. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Jimmy and Frank Iero smile at me.

"Sorry! I wanted to introduce myself. Frank Iero at your service!" Frank smiled.

"Kia Martinez." I grinned a little.

"Isn't that a Hispanic last name?" Frank blurted out.

"Yeah, it is. Leave it be, dude." Jimmy chuckled.

"Uh, have you guys seen Brian?" I asked.

"Out back. Talking with a group of-" Frank groaned when Jimmy hit him in the stomach with his hand.

"Come have a drink with us." Jimmy said, pulling me by my hand through the crowd.

"Wait for me!" Frank yelled, grabbing my other hand.

I see why they are friends. They are exactly alike. I can just see the same personality in both of them.

After getting me a drink that I really didn't want, both Jimmy and Frank refused to let me leave the kitchen. Both of them started rambling about the most random shit, I couldn't even keep up with them.

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