Untitled Part 27

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The drive home was silent. Not even the radio was on in the car. I didn't dare open my mouth for fear of screaming at Brian. I have so much to say to him, yet, I also have nothing to say at the same time. I'm sure that makes no sense whatsoever, but it's how I feel.

After I arrived home, I quickly took care of Bruce. I headed to my bedroom to find some yoga pants and an old shirt. I'm sure as hell not going anywhere today.

Standing in the bathroom, I glanced at myself in the mirror. I hadn't taken the time to assess the damages yesterday. Bruises along my right thigh that were turning a dark blue and purple. The large claw mark down my left arm from her trashy talons. A few other scrapes and bruises across my stomach.

I wish I'd hit her more now. Fucking bitch.

"Babe? Are you alright?" Brian asked through the bathroom door.

And then there's this asshole.

Deciding I couldn't avoid this any longer, I stepped out of the bathroom. Brian sat on my bed with his head in his hands. When he heard me, he raised his head up to give me a weak smile.

"Your time is ticking." I said, crossing my arms.

"I had a pretty good feeling you wouldn't make it easy on me at all." He sighed.

"Ok, here it is. Christy and I went away over a year ago to Vegas, for a last ditch effort to save our fucked up relationship. We got shit faced two nights before we were set to leave. When we woke up the next day, we were married. Neither of us remembered doing it, but we were apparently." He sighed.

Well, that makes it a tiny bit better. Not much, but a little.

"By the time I convinced her we needed to get it annulled, the time had run out. We decided when we got back home, we would do it through the courts. But that didn't happen." Brian said quietly.

"The day we got home, she said she was going to the store. She never came back." He said, staring at me.

I can see that abandoned feeling that Brian has while he speaks. It's a feeling I know all too well. I understood his hurt. His pain. I knew that emptiness that filled every fiber of your body.

"She came back six months later, hooked on fucking smack. She was so strung out and fucked up. I let her stay one night, with an agreement that she would go to rehab in the morning. She stole my credit cards while I slept, and took off. I wasn't able to find her for a long time. I just wanted her to sign the fucking papers so I could move the fuck on. She refuses to." Brian ran a hand over his face.

"Yesterday, after I couldn't find you, I called my dad's attorney. He can get it pushed through without her having to sign anything, and seal the record, in about three weeks. I swear to you, this will all be over in three weeks." Brian said seriously.

"Why didn't you just tell me to begin with, Brian? I poured my fucking heart out to you yesterday. You let me fall in love with you. You let me trust you. How could you do this? Why not just be honest?" I half yelled.

"I got scared. It sounds lame, but it's true. You see me as Brian, not Synyster Gates. You ask nothing of me, when people ask everything. Don't you see how hard that is for me?" He asked sadly.

I sniffled and nodded. I do understand. I really do. But, I'm hurt. He also broke that trust that I had in him. Trust is so hard for me to begin with. How the hell do I move past this?

"I do understand." I said quietly.

"But?" He asked me.

"But I'm scared I can't trust you now. If you lied about this, what happens when you go on tour? Am I just supposed to believe you're going to be on your best behavior?" I blurted out.

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