Untitled Part 39

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 Coming home from the hospital and planning to talk to Kia didn't go as planned. I was more exhausted than I'd ever been in my life. I literally slept for almost two days straight. Kia slept on the couch away from me.

This hurt me a lot, but, I was too damn out of it to put up a fight. Kia did take care of me though, which truly surprised me. I'd of left my ass in a ditch somewhere after the way I treated her.

After taking an almost hour long shower on the third day, I felt human again. My mind was clear, and so was my goal of apologizing my ass off to Kia.

When I stepped into the small kitchen area of the guest house we are staying in, I stopped dead in my tracks.

I watched Kia at the sink doing dishes. Her small skirt that she always seems to wear caught my attention at first. But then I saw her swaying her hips in time to the music. I couldn't tell you what song was on, other than it had a slower beat to it. Her long hair hung down her back. Those sexy tank tops that she wears all the time, drive me fucking insane with desire.

Not letting my presence be known, I walked up behind her. My hands gripped her hips, startling her. Kia jumped, then moved so she could face me. I kept my grip on her, not allowing her to do so.

"Keep going." I whispered in her ear.

She hesitantly glanced over her shoulder at me, then quickly fell back into the beat of the music. I let myself move with her, loving the fact that we were this close to one another again.

My hands slid over her waist very slowly as we moved together in perfect sync. Kia's arms came up behind her, very gently rubbing over the back of my neck before falling away again. Her hips moved back, causing her ass to press against the front of my jeans. I let out a groan of appreciation. My hands tightened their grip on her waist, pulling her harder against me. Goddamn, do I want her.

"I thought you didn't dance." She muttered, still moving.

"Only with you." I whispered in her ear, nipping at it slightly.

Kia spun around quickly in my arms so she was facing me. It happened so fast, that it took me a moment to register everything. I wasted no time in yanking her against me until our chests were pressed against each others.

I leaned in to kiss her lips. She gave me a coy smile, pulling back just out of my reach. I pulled her hips closer to mine as we continued our seductive dance with each other.

"You're asking for it, sweetheart." I grumbled, watching her slide down my body, then back up again.

"Can't take a little teasing, Brian?" She smirked, pulling back some from me.

My hands squeezed her hips, pulling her harshly against me again. Our faces were so close to each other, that I wanted to kiss her so badly. I knew she would pull away if I tried again, so I didn't.

"Be careful, Kia. It's been weeks since I've been this close to you. Weeks since I've last touched you. Unless you want to be pinned underneath me, screaming my name, you will be careful." I said quietly.

The mood shifted between us just then. I watched the anger she had towards me fill her eyes again. I braced myself for her to light into me, but she didn't. She simply stepped back out of my reach.

This didn't sit well with me at all. I'm tired of fighting with her. I'm tried of this game we seem to be playing with each other.

"Stop." I said quietly before she could leave the room.

"Excuse me?" She glared.

"You heard me. Stop." I said, stepping closer to her.

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