Untitled Part 9

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"You're driving me fucking crazy. What is your deal today?" Juan hissed at me.

"Fuck off." I growled, sweeping the floor of the studio.

I was still pissed off from my encounter with Brian a few nights ago, and I've been in a bitchy mood ever since. I'm upset because all Brian did was throw something in my face that he never should of seen to begin with. It made me wonder if him and his friends sat around discussing how pathetic my choice in men is. Not that I should care, but still.

"What did Brian do now?" Juan laughed.

"What? It has nothing to do with him." I said, sweeping faster.

"Yes it does. You're not giving any of them the benefit of the doubt." Juan stated.

"I don't even know them." I scowled.

"And since when are you guys best fucking friends anyways?" I asked.

"Since a few weeks ago. I hang out with them all the time. They're really cool. If you pulled the stick out of your ass, you'd know this." He smiled.

"Go home, Juan." I glared.

"Not until you do." He smiled.

"Fine. Goodbye." I said, dropping the broom.

I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the studio. Juan was hot on my heels too. I need a vacation. One with lots of alchohol. Maybe on a private island even. God, what I wouldn't give for that.

"Kia!" I heard Jimmy yell.

Looking up, I saw his lanky figure running across the parking lot to me. Juan smiled and waved at him, stopping beside me.

"You guys gotta come have a beer tonight." Jimmy whined.

"Have fun." I told Juan.

"Hold up, buttercup." Jimmy grinned at me.

"Both of you. Get your ass in the car." Jimmy said.

Jimmy is not one to let things go. There is no point in arguing with this man. I've learned this much about him already.

"I need to change." I sighed.

I shoved my bag at Juan who groaned loudly. I was still in my clothes from work. I left the black leggings on and my heels. I pulled off my shirt that had a sports bra on under.

"Fuck yeah! That is what I'm talking about!" Jimmy said excitedly.

"Dude, that's my sister." Juan glared.

"It's a sports bra, Jimmy." I said.

"Don't care. Still counts." He smiled, still staring at me.

Juan hit him in the stomach. Jimmy groaned, then looked away. I snickered at him.

I pulled a dark maroon shirt that had off the shoulder sleeves on it over my head. After that, I managed to change bras under my shirt. Jimmy was rather disappointed. I sprayed on some perfume, checked my makeup, then my hair in the window of my car.

"Ready." I told them.

"I don't understand what just happened. You should of taken the bra off first, before the shirt went back on. This is greatly disappointing." Jimmy shook his head.

"Seriously, man?" Juan glared.

"I can't help it if your sister is hot as fuck, dude. Not my fault. Let's go." Jimmy said to us.

We went to a bar that they all normally hang out at. It was called Johnny's. I think I've been here before. My brother saw his new girlfriend Molly and I was long forgotten about.

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