Untitled Part 55

56 4 15

By the time Kia woke up the next morning, she was in a ton of pain. I haven't seen her this bad since the night she called me and couldn't get off of her bedroom floor. It worried me greatly. Her hands and feet are so swollen, you can actually see it. We had a hell of a time getting the ring off her finger that Maria gave her on her eighteenth birthday. I was worried she may have to cut it off, but, we finally got it.

On top of this, she has a busted lip that is swollen, along with a bruise starting on it. There are scratches down her arms, and this one I couldn't believe-she is missing about a quarter inch round of hair. Seriously, a chunk of her hair had been yanked out. At least it was under the rest of her hair, so she can cover it up easily. That girl can fucking brawl like no one else. Well, except for Alaina. Jesus christ, that girl goes full on apeshit too. I've never seen two women who go for blood like Kia and Alaina.

And those two girls they were fighting with? Shit, both of their faces were swollen and bloody by the time Kia and Alaina were done with them.

Hands down, it was the best chick fight we have ever seen.

Anyways, I am currently tending to my girlfriend, who keeps telling me she wants me to take her out back and put her down like Old Yeller. I've of course refused this request, although, I do find it humorous.

"No, baby. No Old Yeller." I grinned.

"Please?" She groaned, trying to get comfortable.

"Babe! They shot Old Yeller! No!" I laughed, watching a small grin appear.

"What about Matt? He's close by." She grumbled.

"Absolutely not." I laughed. "Besisdes, Old Yeller had rabies. You don't have rabies."

"God only knows what that freaky bitch had. I could have rabies. You're not an expert." She smirked a little.

"True, I'm not. But, you would most likely be foaming at the mouth. In humans, we call those zombies." I grinned.

"Good point." She mumbled.

"Want me to run you a bath?" I asked.

"Sure." She started to smile.

I glared and shook my head.

"No. Jimmy is not coming over for a bath. Good christ." I muttered, hearing her laugh.

After running a bath for her and helping her very slowly into it. I sat on a small chair and sighed. Kia sank down in the bubbles and closed her eyes. Last night is just bugging the shit out of me. I don't know those girls. I've never met them before. I know I'm not a saint, but, I would remember who I have hooked up with. It certainly wasn't one of them. That much I do know.

My phone rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I answered when I saw it was Matt. Wonder if Alaina is still pissed at him for breaking up the fight last night. She was when we left Jimmy's place.

"Hey." I said.

"Dude, management caught wind of the fight last night. They are not happy." Matt said.

"How do they know?" I asked.

"Someone posted a video of it online. Like I said, they are pissed. I just got off of an almost hour long call about it. They want us all in a meeting later on." Matt sighed.

"Motherfucker." I growled. "Dude, I can't today."

"Why?" He asked.

I stood up and left the bathroom. Kia will insist on me going if she hears much more. I don't need her stressed out anymore today. I walked down the hallway out of range from her.

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