Untitled Part 42

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When we pulled into the parking lot of the beach, I felt my heart rate pick up. It's been months since I've stepped foot here. Months since I've thought about that night. Despite the heat, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"Sweetheart? Are you sure this is a good idea?" Brian asked me.

"I have to get over it sometime, right?" I asked.

"Babe, you don't have to 'get over it' as you say. I don't want you getting upset." Brian told me.

"I know. I...can we just sit here a minute?" I whispered.

"We can sit here as long as you need." He assured me kissing my cheek.

We were on the other side of the beach from where Tanner had taken me that night. There was nothing in sight to remind me, accept the ocean and the sand.

I thought back to dinner with Tanner that night. He was so charming and sure of himself. His ego wasn't bad though. He was just confident. It impressed me. He was so easy to talk to, and seemed to care about anything I spoke of. I was so blindsided by his sudden change of character a few hours later.

"He changed so quickly that night after dinner." I said out loud.

Brian's head snapped over to look at me. His surprised gaze told me he didn't think I'd talk about this. I'm surprising myself too.

"He cared about everything I said. He asked questions. Was incredibly charming. I never expected him to turn into a monster that night." I said quietly.

Brian's one hand laid over the top of mine. He gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You did nothing wrong that night. You know this, right?" He asked.

"I think so. I guess the biggest problem I have is, how can someone turn so ugly right before your eyes. It was so fast. There was no warning at all. Even with Carlos, I knew when it was coming. How did I get it so wrong?" I asked him.

"Listen to me, you are not a mind reader, and you had no way of knowing. Guys like him are masters of disguise. They work hard to be pieces of dogshit. There isn't any way you could of known. Please, baby. Don't blame yourself." He sighed, kissing my forehead.

"Kia!!!! Brian!!!!" I can hear Jimmy yelling as he approached the car.

"Shit." Brian whispered.

My door swung open to reveal a smiling Jimmy. I tried to give him my best smile, but, Jimmy isn't stupid. He knows it's fake. He squatted down in front of me.

"Sitting in this car is not going to make it better." Jimmy told me quietly.

"Jim, easy, alright?" Brian warned.

"Know what?" Jimmy asked, ignoring his friend.

I shook my head at Jimmy.

"How about we replace the bad memories with good ones?" Jimmy asked.

"How?" I whispered.

"Girl, you are with the king of fun! We can bury Johnny in the sand after he passes out. It's always a good time." He taunted with a smile.

I giggled at the thought. It sounds like they have done that more that once to poor Johnny.

"And sand castles! Jesus, we have to get started! I have a great idea for one. Want me to bring some sand over? We can build it right here in the parking lot, if you want?" Jimmy asked.

The world has no idea the amount of love and acceptance one James Sullivan has. If I were to say yes about the sand, Jimmy would gather as much as he could, just so I would be happy. Tears of happiness filled my eyes. I've never had a friend like Jimmy. Jimmy is the type of friend that everyone wants to have. I'm lucky enough to say that is my best friend. My only friend, really.

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