Marc Bolan - Animals

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Context - trying to find an animal, but Marc is scared that they are scared of him.

---- Girls Name - Rachel Kennedy

I ALWAYS WANTED AN ANIMAL of some kind - I always liked them quite a lot.

I never grew up with them as you'd think, that's why I want one so badly - to have one as an adult.

Marc wasn't really with it; he said he loved animals but doesn't know how well it will go with him, if the animal will like him or not.

I said it would, but you know, kinda why we are a pet store right now.

"Hunny, it's a dog, not a kid," I sigh, playing with the chocolate brown lab in front of me.

"But couldn't it be.." he swallows, "scared of me?"

I giggle slightly at his statement, shaking my head, "no, just hold it."

He was reluctant to it, shaking his head and jolting his arms back.

"It will be scared of you if you don't at least TRY to play with it."

He sighed at me, slowly extending his arms out for it, "If it bites me, it doesn't like me."

I laugh at him, giving him the puppy to hold.

The lab goes right with him, licking his hands, "he likes you," i smile.

Marc starts to seem less tense as the dog licks him, a light smile popping up on his scared face.

He started slowly petting it, the puppy was small and could fit into his hands quite well.

"He's not scared of me," he smiles, more easy with the dog.

"I told ya," I wink at him, staring at the sight in awe.

"Can we keep him?" He asks, looking at me.

I was shocked that he asked that, but I was happy he did, so I didn't have to.


I was happy Marc had decided to get the animal. It gave me joy that we now have a 'son' together.

As he said himself, anyway.

"What does he need?" Marc asks, looking around the pet store.

"Bed, puppy pads, toys," I count off, "food as well."

Marc nods, turning the trolly down the food section.

"What food should he eat?"

I shrug, looking down at the food, "try something that should be healthy for him."

He grabs this big bag of food, reading the ingredients on the back of it.

"This seems good. It's quite healthy," he says, looking up from reading it.

"Get it then."

He puts it in the trolly, pushing it down, I pick a bag of treats, just for when he does good.

"What are those?" He asks, looking at me confused.

"Treats, like dog cookies for when they do something good."

"He's gonna be a brat," Marc mumbles, pushing the trolly down.

He makes his way to where the puppy pads are, grabbing a decided sized box of them, "That should be just fine."

I shrug, walking down the other sections till we get to the toys and beds part.

I look around for little toys he can play will till they get messed up or he's to big for them.

"This one? It's a guitar!" Marc smiles, showing a little guitar toy.

"Definitely!" I smile, nodding my head.

He throws it into the trolly, looking for more.

I see little green balls, putting them in as well with a purple lookin' pig of some sort with it.

"He doesn't need much toys, does he?" Marc asks, putting another toy in with the others.

"That's only 4."

He sighs, grabbing a brown squirrel that sqeaked, "Now we have 5!"

He smile, making my way to the beds.

"Does he need a bed?" He asks, looking at the smaller beds.

"Yes! So he can be cozy," I nodded, picking up a random bed that looked decent sized.

"That looks good," Marc points to the bed.

"Looks comfortable," I hum, putting it in with it.

"Are we done, though?" He asks, looking down at his watch, "I wanna take the little fella home."

"Impatient?" I crook an eyebrow, "we just need to pay."

"I am very impatient," he nods, "now, let's go!"

He turns and speeds to pay, I quickly follow behind him, watching him speeding to pay as quickly as possible.

I mean, we didn't get a lot of stuff honestly.

But now, we needed to get back to the pound.

"What would we name him?" I ask, holding the small chocolate lab in my arms.

"Marc jr," Marc states, a cocky smile on his face.

"As much as I love that name.." I trial off, "definitely not."

He frowns, "Fine, then you think of a name."

"Chocolate?" I ask, looking down at the puppy.

"That matches him perfectly!" Marc smiles, petting the top of chocolates head.

"Chocolate it is!"


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