"These are from those two guys. Have a nice night ladies." He said before he went to help someone else. Elena eyed Mina, her doing the same, only for them to begin laughing.

"Aah, such dumbasses." Elena cooed, taking her vodka and drinking it. "They really are clueless...who does not see those two over there?" Mina asked, implying on the two watch-dogs sitting from a far.

"Right?" Elena asked, her eyes locking with Katsuki's, however her vision was soon clouded by two men standing in front of her and Mina. "Hey there ladies." One of them said, smirking as they eyed their bodies. They were perhaps only a year or two older, and 5'7 ish.

The guys leaned over the counter, grabbing the drink that the girls had refused to drink, and taking a sip. "What're two beautiful ladies like yourself doing alone in a place like this?" The other guy asked, smirking as he came way too close for comfort.

"Who the fuck are you? Jeffrey Dahmer? Back the fuck off." Elena said, glaring at the two with a taste of disgust on her lips.

"Woah, feisty. I like that." He said, grabbing a hold of Elena's hip. Elena could practically smell his disgusting breath of alcohol. Mina was just about to interfere with them, only for her hips to be grabbed and pulled into a familiar body. Elena pulled his hand off her using her telekinesis. "Yeah no. Back off right now or you'll regret it." Elena said, seeing Kirishima but not Katsuki.

"Tch. Boring bitch." He mumbled. Just as he was about to turn and leave with his friend, he knocked into a chest. Looking up, he saw Katsuki glaring daggers down at him. "What the fuck did you say?"
He asked threateningly and backed the guy up towards the counter.

"O-oh! She's yours? I'm really sorry sir, I didn't know. Of course it'd be obvious that a beautiful girl like her is already taken." The man began stuttering as Katsuki glared down at him. "Stop the fucking act, so you prey on smaller people than you, but when the big bad guys come for you, you try to run away like the little pussy you are." Katsuki told him, grabbing a hold of his collar.

"N-no! I'm sorry. We'll leave." He said in fear.

Katsuki scoffed and let him go, however just as he was about to leave, Elena had tripped him. "And for the record, nobody fucking owns me." Elena told them, glaring at him. He nodded before standing up and speeding out of the club with his friend.

Just as they did, Elena and Katsuki looked at each other, only to begin laughing. "Did you see his face?!" Elena asked, laughing as she slapped his shoulder. Katsuki grinned before his face turned serious. "Where'd he touch you?" Katsuki asked, grabbing ahold of her.

Kirishima and Mina had walked off somewhere, presumably the booth. Katsuki looked at her. "Yeah just my hip, but it's fine." Elena told him, smiling at his soft, caring eyes. His eyes looked into hers the moment she had spoken the words.

"The only one who can touch you today is fucking me." Katsuki told her, only to kiss her temple. "Woah, big bad man." Elena teased, poking his nose. Katsuki rolled his eyes before grabbing Elena's drink, taking a sip. "Vodka Lemon?" Katsuki asked, quirking an eyebrow.

"So that's what it was!"


Katsuki held Elena's hips firmly as they swayed to the music. Elena's back was pressed against his chest, her eyes closed as Katsuki's hands rubbed over her hips.

He could spot each and every eye on them. The jealous looks of both women and men looking at Elena. He had the prettiest girl in the whole club, all for himself. Katsuki tilted his head down slightly. Elena was lost in the dancing, but reacted when Katsuki had began whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 - 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 𝐱 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now