🥊Chapter 7: "Let's Sing~!" [Part Three]🦉

Start from the beginning

Speaking of Kevin Smith movies, PS inserted a small reference last chapter when Naoto and the rest talked about the convention coming up, but I think only a few people would've caught it. I didn't know the reference. I never saw the two movies they were attached to.

BTW, I asked my editor if there was a female version of "c*ck block", since that is meant more for men.

Of course, he had something horrible on ice, just waiting for such an occasion. I ASKED HIM, you need to remember, so it's on me.

"C*nt blunt".

Jeepers! I didn't know they could be sharp!

I also don't know if he heard that somewhere or if he came up with it on his own.

Please look at the Q&A section I set up at the end of the chapter. Ask us anything, and we'll add another section in the next chapter. I would be happy if you ask questions.

Please enjoy what I wrote.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Maki Gamo proudly touted from the karaoke suite's sofa, "I call this trick 'The Can-crusher'~!"

With a war-cry and a solid 'wumph', she slammed her breasts together with her hands.

The empty milk-coffee can, wedged between her monumental melons on the public side of her blouse, didn't stand a chance, and it fell into her lap, flat as a pancake.

Poor lil' fella...

"It worked~!" Yoshi Yamazaki, to Gamo-chan's left, their suit jackets and hats arranged over the backrest, commended her fiery friend.

Gamo-chan puffed up like some loathsome toad, attempting to scare off the family dog in the backyard. "Well, it is me we're talking about~."

Nekoba, on the right, was less impressed. "I'm glad you had fun with my coffee can, but how is that a trick?"

She'd indeed supplied the prop, having run out to a vending machine, the slender girl not finding an iced-coffee she liked at the karaoke club...

"It's a trick because not everyone can do it~!" Gamo-chan took a dig, exemplifying her Maki-mounds.

Nekoba retaliated, "It's easier for me to find a bra I like, at least~."

Gamo-chan didn't mind having to hunt around or specially order bras.

"Hey, I'm good~!" she hyped.

She loved her girls~!

"We're all good~!" Yoshi hollered, cupping her girls, including the reluctant Sakura Inori with the Maki and her own self, as being joyful of their jubblies.

Sakura shook her head at Gamo-chan, nestled in the chair "next door". "You could've stained your blouse... and didn't that hurt?"

"Dark colors... and Nekoba didn't waste a drop~," the other disdained. "And it didn't hurt. There is a trick to doing it."

"Whatever..." No way would Sakura ever attempt such a buffoonish feat.

Gamo-chan was already onto bigger and better things.

She abruptly flung the aluminum can across the room. "Think fast, Bozu!"

It was a good throw!

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