"You shouldn't be here! You're clearly not fit for this mafia. Go back home to mom and dad. Now! You're fired!"

He watches as tears slip down his sister's face. Her face crumples in shock and sorrow which quickly turns to anger.


She grabs her swords and turns around, storming out of his room.

Drista only pauses in the doorway, not looking back but staring at the picture of her and Dream hanging in the hallway.

It depicts both siblings pointing their swords at the camera, determination glinting in their identical green eyes.

"I'll get my revenge," she whispers under her breath. "I'll get back at you someday."

(Refer to the end of Chapter 12)

End of Flashback

Dream's eyes blur with tears as he realizes what he did.

I falsely accused her.

I've been mad at her all these years for nothing. 

I didn't believe her.

The sound of the door lock clicking interrupts his thoughts as he freezes in place. It swings open to reveal Marcus holding a tray of food with a blank expression.

Dream's mouth falls open in shock as the former leader grabs a chair and pulls it closer to the bed.

He sits down with a groan and placed the tray in front of Dream.

The two of them don't speak, instead staring at each other for what seems like an eternity.

Finally, Marcus clears his throat and breaks the silence.

"I'm not telling you anything until you finish that food," he points at the meal of chicken soup, bread, and a glass of water. "You've been out for almost two days and need to replenish your energy."

Questions explode in Dream's head like fireworks but he quickly shuts his mouth to avoid them from spilling from his lips.

The phone is placed by his side as his hands shakily latch onto the spoon and he begins to sip the broth.

Marcus just sits there, watching with interest as Dream slurps up the soup in a few minutes, devours the bread, and drains the water in one gulp.

He pushes the tray aside and looks at Marcus expectantly.

The older man sighs and leans back in the chair.

"Rather than me explaining," he gestures to Dream with a half-smirk. "Fire away with your questions. I can see them bubbling inside your brain, just yearning to break free."

Dream immediately says the first one that comes to mind.

"Is Y/N okay?"

Her father frowns.

"For now yes. She's in a coma due to the electric shock but I have faith that she'll wake up. She's a strong girl," he smiles. "Always has been."

"Why are you such a terrible father?" The words come out of his mouth before he can stop them. He cringes at the leader's face but sighs.

Marcus looks slightly wounded but answers nonetheless.

"What specifically are you referring to?"

Dream's hands clench into fists and he glares at the man.

Mafia King and Queen - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now