17. Deserved

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Implied R***

Dream POV

I watch as Y/N dodges the bullets effortlessly, streaking closer and closer to the room. We run after her, the bullets bouncing off the wall as we return the fire.

Blood splatters against the walls and bodies thud next to me. Boots stomp against the cold concrete floors as I struggle to keep up with her quick movements.

Behind me, Karl slips on something and starts to fall but Sapnap catches him, one hand securely wrapping around his waist.

I watch both of them make eye contact for a split second before flushing bright red and instantly turning away.

Y/N runs around a corner and I follow quickly but instantly stop, holding out an arm to stop my men too.

"Well, well, well, look who's decided to show up."

A man stands there with his arms crossed, guards dressed in black on all sides pointing guns at us.

His face is obscured by a dark hood and cape, only showing his lips which are curved into a smile.

"Y/N, it's lovely to see you again," the man slithers forward a few steps. His voice reminds me of a snake's hiss. Quiet but slippery smooth, his hands reach out to a welcoming gesture.

Y/N stands between us, her hands holding two guns at her sides.

"I heard your dad died, a pity I couldn't make it to the funeral," he continues, his voice is pleasant, almost calming, despite the situation.

"Maybe you should have been there," Y/N says. "I missed you."

"You missed me?" he asks with a mock laugh, a black-gloved hand pressing against his chest. "I didn't think you'd cared since the day you struck down my offer."

"Anyone would just take the offer to be your top assassin. But that would be a downgrade for me," Y/N replies, I watch one hand move behind her back and reach for something in her belt. "I mean dad did leave me quite the title and fortune."

The man's mouth is set in a straight line as he seems to tense at her words.

"Always a show-off aren't you? Just have to get the public's attention."

"Not all of us hide in the shadows like you," Y/N slips out a small object from her belt and palms it. "If you're skilled enough and have the right connections, you don't have to hide."

The man remains silent, his lips pursed slightly. 

"I didn't come back to negotiate Andrew, I came back to get something."

"Oh, did you now?" Andrew smiles again and snaps his fingers, one of the men presses a small square of paper into his hand. "A purchase perhaps? I just got a new delivery today. Excellent quality."

Y/N gingerly takes the photograph from his hand but I don't miss the slight contact his hand makes with her hand as his fingers stroke hers for a brief second.

Y/N studies the photograph for a second and turns to hand it to me.

I take the square of paper and my mouth drops open in shock.

My sister, my sweet, charming sister, sitting in a cage crying with countless bruises on her naked body.

I crush the photograph in my grasp and take two looming steps toward Andrew.

"What do you think?" he asks, his hands clasped together. "Care to make an offer?"

"I'll offer your head!" I spit out.

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