33. Friends and Enemies

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"I love you."

The wind falls silent are Dream tries to process what just happened.

I love her.

And she loves me.

He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and smiles again.

Y/N reaches her hand toward his head and brushes a few leaves off. Dream grins and reaches out his hand, seemingly to brush the leaves off her head but instead, he ruffles her hair.

"Hey!" She bats his hand away and tries to fix her now messy hair. "Idiot." She pushes his shoulder lightly.

Dream lets out a quiet giggle and lunges toward her, tackling her to the ground. He grabs at her wrists, trying to pin her down but she knees him in the chest, causing him to miss.

"Big mistake," he scoffs playfully. Y/N smiles mischievously and latches her fingers around his pinky finger, twisting it.

"Ow!" Dream grabs her wrist with one hand but the other reaches up to cup his cheek, bringing their lips in for a kiss. He stops, momentarily distracted which lets her jerk her hand out of his grasp and twist away. The minutes she does, Dream grabs her by the waist and yanks her back under him.

His hands close upon both her wrists and he leans his full body weight onto her.

His face hovers only a few inches away from hers and he smiles.

"I win."

Dream leans back to get a better look and grins. Y/N's Y/H/C is fanned out around her head with leaves scattered throughout them Her face is flustered and her breathing is slightly quickened.

He grins, leaning down again for another kiss.

Suddenly, Y/N bolts up, shoving him off her with surprising force. She glances up and he does too, noticing a helicopter with a searchlight above. He squints, recognizing the smiley face on the side.

"Y/N–" he turns around to tell her to run but she's already gone. The slight swaying of the branches is all that remains. The helicopter hovers closer and a rope ladder drops down. Dream grasps the lower rungs and climbs up.

Sapnap pokes his head out, his hair whipping in the wind as he reaches down to offer a hand. Dream takes it as he's hauled into the chopper.

"Jesus Dream, you scared us," Sapnap gasps out, shoving the doors closed. "Let's go Quackity!"

The helicopter immediately speeds off as Sapnap stows the ladder away.

"Dream!" George tackles him into a hug. "Where have you been? You didn't come back and I thought something happened so I decided to track you and we went searching."

"I'll alright George," he assures, returning the hug. "I finished the meeting and decided  to go for a walk in the forest."

"Next time tell us, idiot!" George pushes his shoulder and laughs. "But we're glad you're okay."

I'm more than okay, I had one of the best days of my life.

Dream sighs and sits down, strapping himself in as Quackity announces they'll be there in 15 minutes. Sapnap sits down beside him and places a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay buddy?" he asks softly. George notices too and sits down on the other side of Dream with a concerned look.

"Yeah, they seemed like they wanted to take the deal but after negotiating for over an hour, they dropped it," he lies. "I'm just stressed and tired."

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