2. Masquerade Ball

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Dream POV

My arm feels much better than it did a few days ago but I can't move it too much. Luckily, I won't be needing it for combat tonight.

The theme ball's theme was masquerade so I chose a simple, black suit with a dark green lining and a green tie decorated with emeralds. I found a black mask with a white smiley face which is the symbol of our mafia. 

I glance to my right and smile at Sapnap who sits there in an outfit identical to mine except with an orange lining and his mask is a normal black masquerade mask with orange gemstones.

Everyone else in the car has matching suits and masks with their respective colors. George- blue, Sapnap- orange, Karl- purple and green, Quackity- yellow, and Punz- purple. Mine is the only one that stands out which is lime green and the mask is also different.

As we pull up to the giant mansion where the ball is being held, I give a thumbs up to my men as they slip their masks over their faces. I make sure the circle is covering my face fully before stepping out of the car.

Punz hands the keys to an attendant as we climb the white marble steps. My shoes click against the stone as we approach the gates. I reach into my suit jacket and pull out the invitation that was mailed to us.

The guards at the door nod in approval and pat us down, thoroughly checking us before letting us enter.

The rules were simple, no weapons, no explosives, and no killing or violence.

After we're given the okay, we cross through the giant wooden doors and into the ballroom.

The ceiling reaches twenty feet above our heads, crystal chandeliers cast bright lights all around the room.

The dance floor is currently empty with everyone standing in small groups talking or sitting at designated tables.

I glance at the invitation again.

Table 24.

I lead my men over to the table and we all sit down. There are at least 12 other empty seats which are perfect for what we're about to do.

"Everyone knows the plan?" I whisper. They all nod. "Okay, go make some alliances."

I watch them all scatter as a waiter fills my glass with wine. I just simply observe everyone, trying to find the most approachable person.

The couple taking shots by the buffet table, the group of men talking in the corner, a table of loud, chatting people, a table with a lone woman sitting at it.

Strange, what would she be doing here?

I look closer and see at least a dozen guards wearing suits and black masks standing in a circle around her table.

Her dress is entirely black and covered in black feathers. A feathered mask with silver decorations sits on her face as she rests one hand on the table while the other clutches a glass of wine. A silver crown perches in her Y/H/C hair.

I notice several passing men cast looks at her but almost immediately withdraw and hurry away.

I take my glass of wine and slowly stand up, making my way toward her. I feel all eyes on me as I approach the table. The guards immediately stiffen and one steps forth to block me.

I notice the woman grabs his arm and waves them all away.

"My lady," one of them whispers. "Are you sure?"

"Go," she commands in an authoritative voice. The men immediately leave, walking over to the buffet table.

I gratefully take a seat opposite her as she sips her wine. I notice that the sleeves of her dress have fabric hanging down from them, also covered in feathers.

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