1. Just a Normal Day

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

Dream keeps his breathing quiet as he inches around the corner, gun pointing straight ahead, finger on the trigger.

A shadow darts in the corner of his eyes and he bolts toward it, tackling the person to the ground. His arm is grabbed by the wrist, holding the gun away.

"Dream!" He blinks to see Sapnap lying on the ground underneath him. He breathes a sigh of relief and pulls himself off.

"Shit, sorry." He offers a hand, helping his best friend up.

"It's alright," Sapnap retrieves his gun from the floor and stands up, dusting off his suit.

He opens his mouth is speak again but Dream slams him to the side as a bullet drives past them. Dream points his gun at the shooter and fires.

A thud follows, signaling for both of them to move.

"Thanks," Sapnap whispers.

A group of four men dressed in black awaits them and they exchange fire. An explosion sounds past them as one of the men throws a bomb.

Smoke billows out as they hear men yelling.

"Retreat!" One of them yells. Dream pursues them, chasing them out of his warehouse. He watches them climb into a black car and he fires two shots at the car.

They bounce off the metal as he readies his gun again but a searing pain shoots through his right arm. He falls, clutching his injury as a figure dressed in all black with only eyes showing stands in front of him, gun pointing at his head.

They reach down, pulling his chin up to meet their gaze. Dream glares at their Y/E/C eyes.

The person pulls out a detonator and clicks it, throwing it to the ground next to him. Dream watches the metal stick roll toward him as the person jumps into the car and it speeds away.

Dream growls softly as he catches a glimpse at the pair of black wings etched into the metal.

They played us.

Dream clutches his arm as he limps into a small forest, covering himself with the foliage.

He presses both hands tightly against his ears as a deafening explosion shakes the ground. He waits as a second explosion, more powerful than the other, skates the ground even more.

Did he make it out?

After a few minutes, Dream cautiously removes his fingers and peers above the bush.

The entire warehouse is destroyed leaving only a smoking crater in its place.

He winces in pain as he examines his bleeding arm.

The bullet went straight into his upper arm but it didn't pierce any major arteries as he could see.

Dream rips a piece of fabric from his jacket and presses it to the wound, clenching his teeth.

"Dream?" He whips around at the sound of his name. Sapnap steps through the trees, gun pointing but he relaxes as soon as he sees Dream crouched on the floor.

Sapnap immediately kneels down and begins helping him stand.

"I had a strange feeling about why they deserted so quickly. I went to check the warehouse and found multiple explosives. I realized they were leading us away so I told the men to get in the car and drove away. I stayed with Quackity to try and find you."

"Lucky you did," Dream winces again. Sapnap slings his good arm around his shoulders and leads Dream back to the crater where a car awaits them.

Quackity waves and rushes to help Dream into the backseat. Sapnap climbs in with him and begins to clean the wound while Quackity drives.

"What happened?" he asks, dabbing some antiseptic onto the bloody spot. Dream bites down on his sleeve to muffle his scream. The pain subsides and he sits up a bit to face his friend.

"I chased them to a car and fired at them but someone shot me. They didn't look like they were trying to kill me considering they had an opportunity to put a bullet through my head. It was the Black Crows Mafia, Sapnap, I saw the symbol of the detonator they threw at me."

Quackity inhales sharply from the driver's seat and Sapnap gasps.

"That's two warehouses lost to them. We need to ramp up security."

Dream nods, resting his head against the seat.

"They're not just powerful, they're also masters at deception. God, they're even so secretive. I don't even know how to combat this anymore."

"Dream," Sapnap says, bandaging the injury. "They're powerful, yes. But even they run out. They see us, the Nightmare Mafia, as an easy source for their sales. And we're not going to let them have it that easy."

"It's not that Sap," Dream groans. "They blew up the warehouse. There must have been at least 80 million dollars worth of drugs in there. They're not trying to steal from us, they're trying to sabotage us."

"Well you better get this shoulder healed soon," Sapnap mutters. He buckles Dream's seatbelt as they continue the drive. "You have somewhere important to be in a few days."

"Just call it off," Dream pinches the bridge of his nose and groans.

"Yeah, I can't do that," Sapnap shrugs. "In a few days, it's the Annual Mafia Ball. Everyone's going to be there."

The Annual Mafia Ball was a gathering of leaders from the greatest mafias in the world. Leaders would meet to form alliances, discuss trade agreements, and plot to overthrow others. It was a kind of big deal.

"Even if we're not planning on allying up, there's word that tension is growing between the mafias and they'll most likely be forging alliances then. We need to know who's with who and who's a safe one to attack."

Dream winces as he glances at his shoulder.

"Did you take the bullet out?"

Sapnap nods.

"It wasn't very deep. They definitely didn't intend to kill too, rather just slow you down."

Dream closes his eyes, resting his head against the window. Cracking his eyes open, he sees the familiar mansion roll around.

"Then I better get some rest. I'm bringing you, George, Quackity, Karl, and Punz there, we're going to try and forge an alliance."

Sapnap grins.

"That's the first time I've ever heard you say that."

"This can't keep happening Sapnap," he gestures to his arm. "The Black Crows Mafia are becoming more and more aggressive. I need protection from them, especially if a mafia war is about to break out. We barely survived the last one."

Sapnap nods his understanding and folds his hands in his lap.

"What's the theme of the ball?" Dream asks. Every year, the ball had a theme that everyone was supposed to follow.

Sapnap reaches into his jacket and pulls out a black piece of paper with white writing. He scans it before meeting Dream's eyes.



1,151 words

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