56. Bridge Down

900 43 31

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Techno leans back in his chair with a smile as Tommy and Wilbur squabble over a tin of chocolate cookies. Phil lies passed out on the couch with his hand over his eyes.

His phone rings and notices it's Y/N.

"Hey Y/N how's—" he starts to ask in a cheerful voice but stops at the sound of rapid gunfire followed by screams. "Y/N?"

He stands up, fully alert, and grabs the car keys from the coffee table. Wilbur and Tommy stop fighting at his change in attitude.

"Techno!" Y/N's voice comes through, frantically. "I need your help on the Lake Formosa Bridge. We're being attacked by multiple mafias at once. I already alerted my men but they'll be at least another five minutes. Even with them, I'm not sure if we can take them."

"Y/N on your right!" Dream yells from farther away.

"Techno you have to hurry!" Y/N says, four gunshots sound quite loudly over the speaker.

"I'm on my way."

Techno grabs a sleeping Phil who awakes with a start. Not caring at all, he finds the nearest guard.

"Get 5 cars stocked with weapons and five men each. Wait in the driveway for me to lead."

The guard nods and walks off as Techno grabs a barely awake Phil to the car and practically throws him into the passenger's seat. Wilbur and Tommy quickly follow, climbing into the backseat.

"Techno?" Phil asks sleepily but the leader has already slammed the car door shut, dashing back inside.


Corpse squeezes the throttle of his motorcycle and glares at the traffic ahead. He zips around, waving to his left and signaling the dozens of riders to follow him.

The heavy gun strapped to his back smacks against him as the tires hit a speed bump.

Up ahead he can already see the chaos. There are cars everywhere, some on fire. Screams fill the air as people flee in all directions.

Where are the cops when you need them?

The sound of gunfire grows louder and louder. Shifting gears, he speeds straight toward the bridge and barely has time to park the motorcycle before he jumps off, already clutching his gun.

The guards follow behind, shooting into the fray. His red eyes dart around frantically for Y/N and find her crouched behind a car, shooting at someone. Dream is a little off to her left.

Corpse takes a quick scan and notices several men dressed in suits shooting randomly at cars. He growls softly.

As Y/N begins to reload, a man leaps over the car, two knives clutched in his fists.

A snarl forces its way out of his throat as Corpse aims his gun at the attacker.

A flash of red off to his left makes his eyes widen.

A man in a red tie shoots four bullets at Dream.




Wilbur smirks as he lies two more sticks of dynamite against the supper beams of the bridges. Overheard, there's the sound of gunfire along with faint police sirens in the distance.

"Progress check Wil?" Techno asks through his earpiece.

Wilbur claims the button to answer and smiles.

Mafia King and Queen - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now