57. Birthday Crash

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"Happy Birthday!" Techno screams into the phone as the clock hits exactly midnight. Y/N groans and rubs her eyes tiredly. "You are officially 22!"

"Thank you, now the best birthday present you can give me is some sleep."

"Nope!" Techno chuckles as he hears Y/N flop back onto her bed. "I'm coming over right now!"

He hangs up and Y/N just groans again.

"Can't I sleep in on my birthday? Why must I be woken up in the middle of the night?"

No less than 15 minutes later, Techno crashes through her bedroom door and flings himself onto her bed.


"TECHNO!" Y/N awakes with a start and throws a death glare at the man sitting on her legs. She aims a pillow at his head but her grogginess makes the pillow hit the wall instead.

"Hah! You missed!" Techno jumps up and grabs her phone, dancing down the hall.


Y/N untangles herself from the silken covers and chases after him.

"You'll never catch me!"

Techno takes a sharp turn around the corner and waits for Y/N to catch up. Just as she rounds the corner too, he jumps out, pushing her to the ground, and dashes back the other way.


Techno chuckles and pushes past a maid who stares at the two with visible confusion.


His real name being screamed at full volume makes him pause and turn around to stare at his pursuer.

Y/N slowly walks toward him, her gaze pinning him on the spot.

Just a slight bit of fear steaks through his mind.


Techno continues bolting down the hallway until he reaches the large staircase leading down.

Phil stands at the bottom, still wearing his green and white stripped nightclothes, and rubbing his eyes sleepily. His green and white striped nightcap is slipping off his tangled blonde hair and his clothes are rumpled.


Y/N crashes into him full force and they both tumble down the long flight of stairs before landing in a heap at Phil's feet.


Y/N lunges for her phone, still clenched in Techno's hands.

"NO!" He stands up and holds it teasingly above her head as she jumps up to reach it. "HAH SHORTIE."

Fire burns in her eyes as he kicks him in the stomach so hard he loses his balance and falls.

Y/N pounces on him like a cat and grabs at her phone. Not giving up, Techno flips them over so he's on top, but only for a second as Y/N shoves him off with surprising force.

"Hey play nice you two!" Phil calls, too tired to intervene.

"Ooooh, are we fighting?" Wilbur asks before jumping into the fray himself.

"Wilbur stop!" Techno growls as he accidentally lands a kick on his jaw. "Who are you even fighting?"

"Both of you," the brunette smirks.

"Hey bitches!" Tommy yells as he runs through the wide-open front doors. Phil's eyes widen as the teen lands in their wrestling heap. "OW! PHILLLLLLLLL!"

The blonde man rolls his eyes and walks over, grabbing Techno by the collar and Wilbur by the arm.

Tommy staggers away from Y/N, rubbing his arm while she stands up triumphantly holding her phone.

"Happy birthday from the SBI mafia Y/N," Phil groans with a yawn.


"Well, that must have been a fun morning," Dream chuckles as he makes a right turn around the corner.

"After they calmed down I opened their presents," Y/N smiles. She decided to dress in a little black dress with two small black wings on the back. "They're basically like my three younger brothers in the way they behave. Especially Tommy."

"Yeah," Dream smiles as he gazed into the mirror, thinking of Drista.

"Anyways, where are we going?" Y/N peers out the window as they stop at the red light, noticing a few black cars behind them.

"I have a reservation at a restaurant in an hour," her boyfriend smirks. "Thought we'd spend your birthday just the two of us."

She gives him a gentle pat on the arm.

"So thoughtful."

"Hmmm," he hums in contentment and grins at her. "I may or may not have a special surprise for you."


Dream turns his eyes back on the road and smiles, remembering the day he walked into that same jewelry store that Y/N decided to rob not so long ago.


"What can I help you with today sir?" the brown-haired woman behind the counter asks.

They'd done a superb job of fixing up the shop along with adding a few more security touches like the numerous cameras recording the precious gems from all angles.

"Hmmm," the jewels reflect the light, casting a rainbow of colors across the ceiling. "I'm not sure. I'm looking for something special I can give my girlfriend for her birthday."

"Well, you can always..." she fumbles under the counter and pulls out a small red velvet box, and opens it. Inside is a beautiful white diamond ring set with two smaller diamonds on the sides.

An engagement ring.

"Uhhh," Dream's eyes flick toward a ruby necklace sitting in one of the cases. It had a heart-shaped jewel the size of a golf ball and diamonds progressively getting smaller as they go up the chain. He glances back at the box in the woman's hands.


"Yeah," he sighs. "But you'll just have to wait and see."

Y/N groans as he mischievously winks at her.


They continue their drive, crossing the bridge when all the cars in front suddenly stop.

"Traffic?" Dream asks, peering around the cars to try and get a look at what's causing the holdup.

Y/N glances in the rearview mirror and notices a police car pulling up behind them. A male cop gets out and starts making his way toward their car.


The cop taps on the window and Y/N lowers it.

"Good day officer," she says, fighting to keep her voice calm. Beside her, Dream's face pales. He looks out his mirror and notices two men wearing black get out of a car, both reaching into their belts.

"I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle," he informs.

"Why?" she questions.

The policeman doesn't respond and just frowns.

Her eyes drop to his bands which rest at his waist. A gun sits on his right side and a knife is sheathed at his left.

Police don't carry knives.

Dream yells her name as she reaches under her dress, grabs the dagger's handle, and plunges it into the fake officer's chest as a loud explosion rocks the whole bridge.


1,151 words

These two really can't catch a break huh?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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