59. Final Boss

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4 months later

3rd Person Omniscient POV

A red pen slices through the last name on the list and then trails up to circle the single name on top.

The night is quiet and a cool breeze blows through the open balcony doors. The dark sky twinkles with thousands of stars which are usually hidden by the bright lights of the city below.

Y/N uncrosses her legs and sighs.

The pages of the notebook flutter in the wind as she reads the circled name over and over, replaying it in her head.


She glances up to see Dream leaning against the doorway, a small smirk on his face.

The notebook is hastily shoved behind her back as Dream approaches her. His arms wrap around her in a tight hug while grabbing the notebook at the same time.

"Now what do we have here?" He holds it teasingly above her head while she jumps up to get it which earns a glare from her.

"Nothing, now give it back," she demands.

"Hmmm, no," a smirk tugs at his lips as Dream begins to scan the first page. His face drops as he reads the title on top, then the name circled, then the crossed-off names going down.

Y/N watches in silence as he continues to flip through the pages, analyzing each name.

"Y/N?" he asks softly. "What is this?"

"It's—" she pauses and takes a deep breath, fighting to keep her temper down. "It's nothing."

"Who are these people?" Dream asks louder. He continues to flip through the pages. "Wait! These are mafia leaders! I recognize him!"

His finger continues to trail down the list as his eyes widen.

"Why are they all crossed off?"

He stops and flips back to the first page and reads the title.

"You killed all of them?!"

"Dream stop!" Y/N lungs for the notebook and grabs the corner of it.

Dream yanks it back and dangles it over the edge of the balcony. The pages flap in the breeze as he lowers it even more.

"What is this Y/N?! Explain!"

His fiancé takes a deep breath and sighs.

"I've been killing mafia leaders."

"I know that," he spits out. "Why though?!"

"They're allying with Schlatt," she says. "And I've killed them all, except for him."

"Why didn't tell me about this?! I could have helped you!" Dream flings the notebook through the open balcony doors, and back into the room. "You can't just keep secrets from me Y/N!"

"Dream! I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd try to get involved! Schlatt is dangerous! More dangerous than you remember!"

Dream grabs her hands tightly, his green eyes glaring into hers.

For a few moments, he's silent, not saying a word. Finally, he speaks.

"When are you planning to kill Schlatt?"

Y/N looks down and tries to pull her hands out of his grasp but he squeezes them tighter.

"Don't lie to me," he growls. "I want to help. You'll need my help."

"In four days," Y/N says softly. "Techno and Corpse's mafias are going to help."

Dream scoffs under his breath and scowls.

"Organize a meeting with them today. I want to know what y'all are planning."


"That's final."


You could cut the tension in the room with a sword.

Techno smiles in amusement and leans back in his chair, propping his black combat boots on the table, and twirling a butterfly knife in his hand.

Corpse glances between Dream and Y/N who are both glaring at each other.

Punz sits uncomfortably next to Dream, glancing nervously at his boss.

The only sounds are the faint clicking of the knife and Dream's heavy breathing.

Then the doors are thrown wide open as Drista strides through.

"Hey guys!" she smiles brightly but her face falls almost instantly when she sees Dream. "Hi Dream?"

Techno stops twirling his knife and gestures toward the empty chair on the other side of Y/N.

"Thanks for coming on time," Punz says sarcastically.

Drista flips him off and settles down in the chair, noisily scraping the chair against the wood floor.

"Told you he was going to find out," Corpse grumbles, finally breaking the silence.

"Shut up Corpse," Y/N snarls. The black-haired man raises his hands in defense with a shrug.

"What are you guys planning?" Dream growls. "Whatever it is. I want to help."

Punz lets out a loud exhale and sighs.

"Well Y/N," he gestures toward her with a smile. "He's your fiancé. Why don't you do the honors?"

"And he's your boss," she shoots back. "Aren't you compelled to tell him things?"

"Couples shouldn't keep secrets," Punz smirks.

Dream watches the two of them in silence. Finally, Y/N reaches into her bag and pulls out a fat yellow folder.

Her fingers linger around the edges as she slides it toward him. 

Dream rotates the folder right side up.

Printed in large blocky letters on the front:

Final Boss

"That's a bit excessive for Schlatt don't you think?" he asks with a chuckle.

He receives only blank stares from across the table.

"If that were true, your fiancé wouldn't have murdered over 50 mafia leaders, Corpse wouldn't be working as a spy for Schlatt, and all of us wouldn't be needed for a single operation," Techno says.

Dream scowls at him and opens the folder.

The first thing that slides out is a detailed map of Schlatt's mansion and warehouse.

He pulls out a second piece of paper which has a detailed layout of what all of them would be doing.

"What am I supposed to do?" he asks.

"You want to kill Schlatt that badly?" Y/N questions. "But you also want to protect me?"

Dream nods.

"Then you're with me," her Y/E/C eyes glint dangerously. "But be warned, I'm the one who's going to deliver the killing blow."


1,088 words

Ahhhhh, I'm so sorry for forgetting about you my readers!

I've been on vacation in the mountains for a little skiing trip. 

Also, I leave Twitter for four days and suddenly ccs are hating on Dream and someone is getting accused of r*pe?

Wtf is happening

Whatever, tomorrow is my last day so hopefully I can finish this book. I've had a lot of time to plan the ending and we don't have a lot of chapters left.

You aren't ready for it 😈

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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