5. A New Leader

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

"Dad you can't do this!" Y/N slams her fist against his desk. Marcus leans back in his desk chair, his face relatively calm, despite the several dents in the walls and desk.

"It's for the mafia's sake," he sighs.

"You know this is a trap!" Y/N yells. "They're asking for you to go alone to 'negotiate'. They're the Viper Mafia, they live by the rule: Strike First!"

"I'm fully aware this is a trap my dear," he leans forward, resting his chin on his hands. "But you don't seem to understand that many want me dead. Many want your hand in marriage."

"You want me to get married?"

"No," he shakes his head with a laugh. "You choose who and when to get married if you decide to at all. The point is, people want me dead for my reputation. They don't want you dead. By being alive, I endanger the entire mafia. Besides," he likes as he gets up, walking toward her. He rests on hand lightly against her chin and lifts it to meet his gaze.

"I think it's time the world sees a Mafia Queen."

Marcus lets go and turns to face the windows. The sun is barely rising over the skyscrapers of Orlando.

"I'll be meeting with the Viper Mafia in an hour, alone. I intended to take them all out, and myself in the process."

"Dad," Y/N reaches toward him. He stops her, catching her hand and returning it to her side.

"You're more than ready for this. You're strong, independent, resilient, and skilled. You have everything you need for this. You don't need my guidance anymore."

"Dad please, don't do this." she lets a few tears slip down her face.

Marcus pulls her into a hug, letting her cry against his shoulder.

"I love you, my daughter. I'm just simply giving you the opportunity that you so deserve."

Marcus smiles as he grabs a detonator from his desk drawer and smiles before turning to go.

"Make me proud."

Then he goes, leaving Y/N standing in the office that will soon be hers.


Marcus pulls up to the old warehouse with a sigh. 

Let's get this over with.

He parks the black Mercedes in the back, filled with explosives. He slips the silver detonator into his pocket and enters through a side door.

"Well, well, Marcus," the Viper Mafia leader sits in a chair in the center of a room. He gestures to the empty chair in front of him. "Have a seat."

Marcus sits down and swipes a thumb over the detonator's button.

"How long will this take?"

"Five minutes or so," the guy smirks.

Marcus hums in approval, quietly changing the time and clicking the button. With the timer set, he leans back and relaxes in his chair.

"So you came alone?" the man asks. Marcus nods.

"Well, that's unfortunate." In an instant, a pistol is pointed at his head. Marcus dives under the guy's arm and twists the gun out of his grasp, pointing it at the man's head.

At least a dozen guards jump out from the shadows, presumably waiting. They all train guns on Marcus who smiles.

The leader struggles but Marcus keeps his grip tight.

He fires the gun, blowing the guy's head open. The guards lunge for him immediately but Marcus pulls out the stick of metal and steps back.

He rolls it onto the floor, as the guards' eyes widen.

"So long boys," he gives a mock salute. "It was great knowing you in this lifetime."

The detonator beeps its final seconds.

With one last bleep, the whole place is engulfed in fire.


Y/N leans against the back of the couch, petting her cat as she watches the news.

(I'm letting you name the cat. C/N= Cat Name)
(Cat goes by they/them)

"A particularly messy fire here at a warehouse down by the waterfront," the reporter is saying. Y/N gently scratches C/N's head who purrs. She gently dabs her eyes with a tissue, crumpling and tossing the wad into the already overflowing trash can.

"Police arrived to find a man fleeing the flaming warehouse with bad burns all over. He was armed with an assault rifle and several other weapons. When police caught him, he kept saying that the leader of the Black Crows Mafia was dead. Police questioned what the meant and the man simply said that the leader of the Viper Mafia tricked him and a fight broke out. In the end, both leaders ended up dead in the explosion, their mafias without leaders. He was taken to the hospital and died of his wounds shortly after."

"So what does this mean for us?" the reporter questions. "Well with the leaders of powerful mafias dead, this opens many opportunities for rival gangs to fight. They're placing police on high alert and instructing everyone to be careful."

Y/N turns off the TV and crumples the last tissue with a sigh.

"Y/N?" she turns at the sound of her name to the doorway. A pink-haired girl stands there, twisting her fingers nervously.

"Niki," she smiles. Niki was in charge of defusing bombs on her team.

"I was wondering what you plan to do now," Niki says as C/N rubs against her legs.

"The only thing I can do." Y/N rises from the couch and picks up her silver tiara sitting on the coffee table. She perched it on her Y/H/C hair. "To prevent our spot from being taken. Dad did this for me, for us. I'm not letting it be for nothing."


Dream watches the new replay over and over again.

Marcus is dead?

Now the Black Crowd Mafia is without an official leader unless Y/N is now in charge. Which is very likely.

"Dream," Sapnap stands in the doorway, a white envelope in hand.

"What is it?" Dream turns around, muting the TV. Sapnap hands him the envelope.

It's relatively plain with only a black pair of wings on the front.

"This arrived for us," he says. Dream opens it to reveal an invitation. He frowns while reading it.

"What?" Sapnap asks after a few moments of silence.

"Marcus of the Black Crowd Mafia is dead. His daughter Y/N will be holding a funeral in 5 days at the Greenwood Cemetery."

"Dream," Sapnap whispers.

"What?" Dream puts the envelope down.

"The Viper Mafia's leader is also dead."


"Dream you don't understand!" Sapnap suddenly yells. "This could be the tipping point to start a war. This massive power shift will cause a ripple effect on all of us. We need to go to this funeral, to see what they're planning."

Dream rolls his eyes.

"Fine, but we're going in armed. There's no specifications or rules about it."

"Besides," he leans against the back of the couch, staring out the dark windows of their mansion. "I'm excited to see how she's faring. Maybe I can offer my, condolences."


1,185 words

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