41. Shots

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Tw: Same as the last chapter


Schlatt pulls me toward one of the back rooms and I make sure to act as drunk as possible around him. Once the door has slammed shut, he pushes me onto the bed with a smirk.

"You never had a high alcohol tolerance sweetheart," he says, using his old nickname for her. "Where's your boyfriend? Or did you dump him like everyone else?"

"Nooo, but he's around somewhere," I say, making sure my voice is slurred.

"Hmm, how about some shots for old times' sake?" he grins, reaching for the bottle of vodka on the table and pouring it into two clear shot glasses.

The room is relatively plain with only a simple queen bed, a side table, and two nightstands.

Schlatt comes back with two full glasses. He hands one to me and keeps one for himself.

I drain it in one go, ignoring the burning sensation at the back of my throat.

Schlatt smiles as he takes his before walking back to pour another.

"Let me pour," I say with a smile. Schlatt turns around as I stand up from the bed, stumbling toward him. His hand grabs my ass from behind and I look up to smile at him.

"Why not? You being drunk turns me on so much more." His lips are pressed against my ear and I can feel his breath against my neck which smells of alcohol.

I want to cringe and pull away in disgust but I force another smile and walk over to the table.

Just like Schlatt did, I pour a hefty amount of alcohol into both glasses. Then, quickly, I reach into the neckline of my dress and pull out the small pouch on the chain. Two small, white pills slip into the palm of my hand.

I drop the two pills into one glass and watch as they both dissolve into the clear liquid.

Turning around, I hold both glasses and walk over to him. My heart is pounding.

This could be my only shot to kill him.

Please work.

I hand a glass to Schlatt and he reaches out to take it but stops.

"Give me the other glass, I know your tricks Y/N. Even drunk, you can still can't deceive me."

My mind freezes at his words but I calmly hand him the other glass as I down mine. Schlatt watches me with a smile before lifting his glass to drink too.

Little did he know, I switched the glasses which means he took the poison.

This is it.

A gunshot sounds in my ears followed by the shattering of glass. I turn to see Dream in the doorway with a gun pointing at Schlatt.

Schlatt holds his shoulder where I presume Dream shot him with the full shot glass shattered on the floor.

He didn't drink.

Dream, you just messed up my whole plan.

"Y/N!" he screams. I watch Dream rush over to me and grab my arm. "Let's go, now!"

Schlatt lifts his hand from his shoulder and I notice there's no blood.

Dream you're a fucking idiot. Schlatt uses bulletproof suits.

Schlatt raises his gun and points it at Dream.


My knife drives through his hand, knocking the gun to the floor. Schlatt lets out a hiss of pain and glares at me as I pull Dream out the door. He slams it shut behind us as we dash down the hallway.

The corridor is silent, except for the pattering of our feet as we twist and turn in an effort to lose him.

I glance over my shoulder and notice Schlatt chasing us. His gun is raised and I slam Dream into the wall to our right as the bullet streaks past us.

He gives me a grateful nod and loads his own gun as we keep running.

My heels click against the floor and I sometimes regret wearing them but at least they're low enough that I can manage.

My fingers fumble with the black velvet pouch I tied around my neck. A small cardboard box slips into my hand and I slid a single match out with shaking fingers.

Dream watches me curiously and continuously shoots bullets over our shoulders at Schlatt to slow him down.

I reach under my dress and slide out a small firework. Dream's eyes widen as I strike the match and light the rope at the end.

Holding it as close as possible to my chest, I grab the edge of a side table as we pass, knocking it over.

Schlatt jumps over it behind us as the fuse is nearly finished.

The hallway splits into two sections ahead of us and I point right. Dream nods and runs right, turning sharply around the corner.

I stop running and turn to face Schlatt. He has a smirk on his face but his eyes soon widen at the sight of the firework.

With a smile, I throw it straight at him.

The firework explodes into a flurry of gold, purple, and black sparkles. I feel the heat wash over me and I breathe a sigh of relief.

Dream stands up and walks over to me as I peer through the smoke. The smoke finally clears, leaving us with a burned and empty hallway.

He lets out a cheer but I frown and continue to scan the area.

A flash of navy blue peels around the edge of a corner before disappearing.

I grab Dream's hand and continue running down the right hallway.

"Why are we still running?" he pants out, his green eyes a mix of confusion and admiration.

"Schlatt's— not— dead," I gasp out. He looks back and gasps as Schlatt rounds the corner, still chasing us.

"He just won't give up," Dream says with a breathless laugh.

"That's not good for us," I respond, reaching the matchbox once more. I grab a new match and light it, letting it burn for a while.

The heat travels closer and closer to my fingers and I know the match is almost done burning.

A bright light in front of us comes into view and before we know it, we both find ourselves in the middle of the ballroom.

I throw the match at a tablecloth which sets it ablaze almost instantly. I hear the screams of nearby guests as the white cloth slowly turns black.

"The signal!" I hear a voice yells as the first firework is shot into the air, exploding against the ceiling.


1,112 words

You thought it would be that easy to kill Schlatt?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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