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Stark had been working on a project for a few hours when Logan walked into her lab. She looked up and gave him a small smile before returning her attention to the work in front of her. Logan watched her for a few moments, noticing the way her eyes narrowed in concentration as she worked.

Finally, he spoke up. "Need any help?"

Stark shook her head. "I think I've got it under control, but thanks."

Logan leaned against the wall and watched her playing with the tools and electronics on her own. She was fully immersed in her work, tinkering with the delicate parts of some device. As he watched her, a wave of nostalgia washed over him.

He remembered the old days, when he used to work with Howard Stark. Logan had been a soldier during the war, and Howard had been the one to help him through some of the toughest times. They had formed a strong bond during their time together, and Logan had always looked up to him as a mentor.

Watching Stark work, Logan couldn't help but see the resemblance between her and Howard. They shared the same fierce determination and passion for their work, and Logan felt a sudden surge of emotion at the thought of his old friend.

He stepped further into the room while appreciating the creation by the surface, interrupting Stark's work. "You know," he said, "you remind me a lot of someone I used to know."

Stark looked up at him, a hint of surprise in her eyes. "Really? Who?"

"Howard Stark's the name", he says.

"Howard? Did you know grandpa?", Stark stopped what she was doing, amazed by the thought. She looked straight to Logan, waiting for him to confirm that.

Logan turned to her, a small smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, I knew him," he said, his voice low and rough. "He was a good man, always tinkering with something new. I remember him working on some pretty amazing inventions back in the day."

Stark's eyes widened in wonder. "What was he like? Did he talk about me?"

Logan chuckled softly. "You weren't even a thought back then, kid. But Howard was always proud of his family. He talked about his wife and son a lot, and how he wanted to make the world a better place for them."

Stark's expression softened at the mention of her grandfather's love for his family. "I wish I could have met him," she said wistfully.

Logan nodded, his eyes glancing back to the lab equipment in front of them. "He would have been proud of the work you're doing here, kiddo. You're a chip off the old block."

Stark smiled, feeling a sense of pride well up inside her at Logan's words. She was grateful for Logan's reminder of her family's legacy.

"Could you... tell me more about grandpa?" she asks in a low but curious tone.

Logan takes a moment to think before answering, "Howard was a brilliant man, and he always had a sharp mind. But he could also be a bit stubborn at times, just like someone I know..." he chuckles softly, "But he was a good friend. He always knew how to make me laugh and was always there when I needed him."

Stark smiles, "Looks like you were good friends."

Logan nods, "Yeah, we were. You've got his smarts, kid. I guess this is a Stark's thing, after all."

Stark's cheeks flush with a soft pink hue, looking back at her creation. She didn't know how to handle compliments.

"Back those times I've got his back, and now I watch yours. No matter what, I'll always be around, kid."

She looks at him, lingering the look for a while. Her expression softens and she gets shy.

"Thanks, Logan. I'll watch your six as well, no matter how many times you tell me to step back and run to a safe zone."

The man laughs at Stark's words, finally defeated.

Logan watches as she goes back to working on her project, feeling a sense of pride and fondness for the young girl. He couldn't help but think that Howard would've felt the same way about her.

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