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Stark was passing by the main hall when she heard raised voices coming from the direction of the training room. Curious, she made her way to the room and peeked inside. Scott Summers and Logan were standing face to face, shouting at each other.

"What's going on?" Stark asked, stepping into the room.

Scott turned to her, his face red with anger. "Ask him," he said, jerking his thumb at Logan.

Logan crossed his arms and scowled. "He's just being a stick-in-the-mud, as usual."

Stark frowned, not sure what the argument was about. "What's the problem?"

"He wants me to follow some new protocol," Logan said. "Says it's for the safety of the kids. I say we don't need more rules."

Scott snorted. "Typical Logan. Always thinking he knows best."

"I do know best," Logan growled. "I've been around longer than you have, boy."

Stark watched the two men, feeling a sense of frustration. They were both leaders of the X-Men, but they couldn't seem to get along. She had seen them argue like this before, and it always ended the same way - with both of them storming off in opposite directions.

"Guys, can't we just talk about this calmly?" she said, trying to diffuse the tension.

Ororo walked into the room, sensing the tension between Scott and Logan. As she entered, she glanced over at Stark, who was standing nearby, watching the exchange.

"What's going on here?" Ororo asked, her voice calm and authoritative.

Logan glared at Scott before answering. "Just a little disagreement, that's all."

Scott, on the other hand, was not ready to back down. "He's always trying to stir up trouble. It's like he enjoys causing chaos."

Logan rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to keep things interesting, Slim. You're too uptight."

Stark couldn't help but feel amused by the exchange. She knew better than to get involved. Instead, she stayed quiet, waiting for Ororo to intervene.

Ororo sighed, looking between the two men. "Gentlemen, we have more important things to focus on than petty arguments. We need to work together if we want to make a difference."

Scott and Logan both nodded, but the tension in the room remained palpable. Stark took this as a cue to exit the room, knowing it was best to let the adults handle the situation. She quietly slipped out of there and made her way back to her room, grateful for the solitude.

Ororo reminded Logan to be a good example to Stark, once she didn't know how to hang out with the other kids. Watching them fighting wouldn't be the best example for socializing in a good way with the other mutants. She reminds him that he is one of the few people Stark really trusted, and she needed him to be a good example to her.

Logan agrees with Ororo, and heads to Stark's room when things are resolved between him and Scott, even if Scott still doesn't agree with Logan. Logan prefers to just not give attention to the boy, once he cares more about Stark than a stupid argument.

Moments later, Logan walked to Stark's room, feeling guilty for letting her witness the argument with Scott. He knocked softly on her door, waiting for her response.

"Come in," Stark's voice sounded from inside.

Logan opened the door and stepped into her room. Stark was sitting on her bed, reading a book — "The Art Of War", by Sun Tzu. — She looked up and smiled when she saw him.

"Hey, Logan," she said, closing her book.

"Hey, kiddo," Logan said, taking a seat next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry you had to see that argument between me and Scott. I shouldn't have let that happen."

Stark shrugged. "It's okay. I've seen worse things. And it's not like I'm not used to people arguing."

Logan frowned. "That's not the point, darlin'. I care about you and I don't want you to have to deal with that kind of stuff. You deserve better than that."

Stark smiled softly. "Thanks, Logan. I appreciate it. But it's not your fault. You can't control everything."

Logan's expression softened. "Yeah, but I still feel bad about what happened. So I just wanted to come and apologize to you personally."

Stark shook her head. "You don't have to apologize, Logan. Really. It's not your fault. And I don't want you to feel guilty about it."

Logan smiled at her. "You're a good kid, Stark. You remind me of myself when I was your age. And I just want to make sure you're okay."

Stark leaned against him, feeling comforted by his presence. "I'm okay, Logan. I promise. And I'm grateful for having you as my friend."

Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulders, hugging her gently. "I'm grateful for having you as my friend too, kiddo."

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