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Logan was known for his tough training methods, and he was respected by all the students at the Xavier Institute for his skill and experience. On this particular day, he was leading a training session on hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Stark was watching from the sidelines, studying Logan's movements carefully. She had been practicing martial arts for some time now, and she was always eager to learn more.

As the session went on, Logan noticed Stark's keen interest in his techniques. He called her over and asked her to spar with him.

Stark eagerly stepped onto the training mat, and Logan smiled at her determination. They faced each other, and Logan motioned for her to come at him.

Stark charged forward, her claws extending from her hands. Logan quickly sidestepped and swept her legs out from under her, causing her to fall to the mat.

Stark quickly got back up, a grin on her face. She knew Logan was the best there was, and she was determined to learn everything she could from him.

Logan continued to demonstrate his techniques, teaching her how to counter different types of attacks and use her agility to her advantage. They sparred back and forth, exchanging blows and dodging each other's attacks.

After the session was over, Stark was exhausted but exhilarated. She had learned so much from Logan, and she couldn't wait to practice the techniques he had taught her.

Logan clapped her on the back and told her she was making good progress. Stark smiled, grateful for his guidance, and she knew she would continue to learn from him for a long time to come.

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