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It was a quiet evening at the Xavier Institute when suddenly the peace was shattered by the sound of crashing walls and shattering glass. The students, including Stark, were caught off guard as Sabertooth, one of the most feared mutants, invaded the Institute. He was on a rampage, tearing apart everything in his path and showing no mercy.

Logan, who was in his room at the time, immediately sprang into action. He knew that he had to protect the students and the Institute at any cost. Rushing out of his room, he grabbed his claws and charged towards Sabertooth, ready to take him on. But as he reached the main hall, he saw that Sabertooth was already engaged in a fight with Stark.

Stark, using her iron gauntlet, was fiercely fighting Sabertooth. She knew that this was no time to hold back, and with all her might, she unleashed powerful punches and kicks, augmented by her gauntlet. The battle was intense, but Stark refused to back down. She saw Logan fighting off the other attackers, and she knew that she had to protect him and the other mutants.

With a roar, Sabertooth lunged towards Stark, ready to strike her down. But she was ready for him. She unsheathed her claws, and with a swift motion, she sliced through his arm. Sabertooth howled in pain, but he didn't give up. He continued to attack, but Stark was determined to protect her friends no matter what.

Logan saw that Stark was in trouble, and he rushed to her side. Together, they fought back against Sabertooth, who was now outnumbered. With a final effort, they managed to drive him out of the Institute, and the students were safe once again.

But the battle had taken a toll on Stark. She was injured and exhausted, but she didn't regret her actions. She knew that she had to do everything in her power to protect her friends, and she had succeeded. Logan looked at her with pride and gratitude, and he knew that she was a true warrior.

The Professor and Jean came to check on the students and saw the damage that had been done. But they were also proud of their students, who had shown great courage in the face of danger. They knew that they had to work together to rebuild the Institute, but they were grateful to have such brave and resilient students by their side.

Sabertooth growled as he followed the scent trail of Stark's blood. He had underestimated her, but he would not make that mistake again. He knew he had to track her down and finish what he had started.

Days passed as Sabertooth relentlessly pursued Stark, tracking her every move. He knew that she was with the X-Men, and he had no doubt that they were doing everything they could to protect her. But he was patient, and he knew that eventually, they would slip up.

Finally, Sabertooth caught up to Stark and the X-Men as they were returning from a mission. He pounced on them, snarling and slashing with his razor-sharp claws. The X-Men fought back, using their powers to try and subdue the ferocious mutant.

Stark, however, had something else in mind. She activated her iron gauntlet, the bright light of the repulsor beam illuminating the night sky. With a fierce determination in her eyes, she charged towards Sabertooth, her own claws bared.

The two clashed, their claws scraping against each other as they fought. Sabertooth was larger and stronger, but Stark was quick and agile. She dodged his attacks and landed a few blows of her own, causing the feral mutant to howl in pain.

Logan watched from the sidelines, his heart pounding with fear and pride. He had never seen Stark fight like this before, with such raw power and determination. She was holding her own against Sabertooth, and for a moment, he dared to hope that they might actually be able to defeat him.

But then Sabertooth got the upper hand. He grabbed Stark by the throat, lifting her off the ground and squeezing tightly. She gasped for air, her claws scraping uselessly against his skin.

Logan roared in anger and charged towards Sabertooth, his own claws extended. The two mutants clashed once again, this time with Logan fighting to protect Stark.

In the end, it was Jean who was able to subdue Sabertooth. She used her telekinetic powers to lift him off the ground and hurl him away, leaving him stunned and disoriented.

Stark collapsed onto the ground, coughing and gasping for air. Logan rushed to her side, his heart pounding with relief. She was battered and bruised, but alive.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

Stark nodded weakly, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I'm okay," she said. "Thanks to you."

Stark took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. She had been through a lot in the past few hours, and her body was exhausted. She could feel the bruises on her neck starting to heal, thanks to her mutant powers, but she was still shaken up by the attack.

Logan approached her and put a hand on her shoulder, "You did good, kid. Real good," he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

Stark looked up at him and managed a weak smile, "I just did what I had to do."

A small trail of blood started dripping down the corners of her mouth.

Logan nodded, "I know. But it doesn't make it any less impressive. You showed a lot of courage out there."

Stark felt a sense of pride wash over her. She had always been a loner, and people didn't often acknowledge her strength and abilities. But hearing Logan say those words made her feel like she had finally proved herself.

The Professor and Jean approached them, and the Professor placed a hand on Stark's shoulder, "Stark, I want you to know that we're all proud of you. You showed incredible bravery today, and you saved many lives."

Stark felt a lump form in her throat, "I'm just glad everyone's safe, Professor."

Jean smiled at her, "We are too. Now, let's get you checked out by the medical team."

Stark nodded and followed them towards the medical wing, holding her chest. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of purpose. She had always felt like an outsider, but now she had a place in the X-Men team, and she was ready to do whatever it takes to protect her family.

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