self knowledge

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Stark was in the library, surrounded by piles of books on genetics and mutation. She was trying to research more about her powers and how they worked, hoping to gain a better understanding of herself. As she was reading, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She turned to see Professor Xavier, looking down at her with a smile.

"May I sit with you, Stark?" he asked.

"Of course, Professor," Stark replied, scooting over to make room for him.

Xavier pulled up a chair and settled in beside her. "I see you're doing some research on mutations."

"Yes, I've been trying to learn more about my powers and how they work," Stark said, showing him some of the books she had been reading.

Xavier looked through them, nodding approvingly. "Very impressive. It's important to understand yourself and your abilities, especially as a mutant."

Stark smiled, feeling a sense of validation from the professor's words. She had always felt like an outsider in the world, but at the Institute, she was surrounded by people who understood her and accepted her for who she was.

Xavier continued, "I wanted to speak with you about something. I've noticed that you have a knack for technology and engineering, and I believe your skills could be put to good use here at the Institute."

Stark's eyes lit up at the prospect. "Really? How?"

"We're in the process of upgrading some of our systems and equipment, and I believe your expertise could be invaluable in the process. I'd like to offer you a position on our tech team, if you're interested."

Stark couldn't believe it. To be recognized for her talents and offered a position of responsibility at the Institute was more than she could have ever hoped for. "Yes, Professor, I would love to."

"Excellent," Xavier said with a smile. "I think you'll find it to be a very rewarding experience."

Stark beamed with excitement, already imagining the possibilities of what she could accomplish with her newfound position. She knew that her time at the Xavier Institute was shaping her into the person she was meant to be, and she was grateful for every opportunity it provided.

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