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The students were excitedly packing their bags, anticipating the excursion. They were going to visit an old historical building in a nearby city, and would be staying at a hotel for the weekend. Logan, Hank, Scott, and Ororo would be accompanying them on the trip.

As they piled into the van, Logan reminded them of the rules - no wandering off, no horseplay, and most importantly, no using their powers unless absolutely necessary. The young mutants nodded in agreement, knowing that Logan meant business.

The journey was long, but the students were kept entertained with games and stories. Hank had brought along a deck of cards and taught them a new game. Scott regaled them with tales of his past adventures, and Storm sang songs to pass the time.

When they arrived at the hotel, the students were in awe of the grandeur of the building. They were given their room assignments and settled in. Logan and the other teachers went to check on the security arrangements, making sure that the students would be safe during their stay.

The next day, they set out early in the morning to visit the historical building. The students were fascinated by the stories and legends associated with the place. Hank explained the architecture and engineering behind the construction, while Storm talked about the cultural significance of the building.

During their tour, they came across a group of tourists who were causing a ruckus. The tourists were scoffing at the history of the place and taking selfies, ignoring the tour guide's instructions. Logan intervened and warned them to respect the historical value of the place. The tourists grumbled, but left without causing further trouble.

After a long day of touring, they returned to the hotel for dinner. The students were excitedly talking about their experiences of the day, while Logan and the other teachers discussed the security arrangements for the night.

As they were settling down for the night, Hank came to check on the students. He found Stark sitting by the window, staring out at the city.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Hank asked, sitting down next to her.

Stark shrugged. "I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"About the building we visited today. The stories and legends were amazing, but I wonder if they're all true."

Hank smiled. "Well, that's the beauty of history. We can never be sure what's true and what's not. But it's our job to keep these stories alive and pass them on to the next generation."

Stark nodded. "I guess you're right. It's just that sometimes it's hard to separate fact from fiction."

Hank patted her shoulder. "That's why we have to keep learning. We can never stop seeking knowledge and understanding."

Stark smiled at him. "Thanks, Hank. That makes sense."

Hank got up to leave, but not before he said, "Get some rest, Stark. We have another busy day tomorrow."

Stark nodded and watched as he left the room.

Some students couldn't sleep yet, so some of them were just hanging out at the lobby. They were playing cards and teenage games. Stark passed by the place, hearing some of their conversations, but she didn't approach them. She wasn't the socializer type. So she went for a walk alone, respecting the limits the teachers gave them for their safety.

As Stark wandered around, she found herself drawn to a nearby park. The moon was full and its light shone brightly upon the serene surroundings. She walked towards the swings, and sat down on one of them. She began to swing slowly, back and forth, enjoying the peace and quiet.

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