That Was Fantastic

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"Oh, boy, that ride and yesterday's ride was good." Scarlet the Arabian neighed.

"Yeah, it's only been your second day with Sarah." Chili snorted and turnt his tail on her.

"Never mind, Chili, he's still upset that Chloe yelled at him for biting Button and making Alma fall off the horse of hers."

"Hello! I'm right here, Pepper, I hope you know I can hear you." She piped up her accent very clearly picking up.

"Who'se side are you on Pepper?" groaned Chili turning to his stablemate.

"For now the on the side of those who know not to take a grudge too far. It was wrong off you to bite Button, I told you so during the lesson yesterday." She snorted. "Or did you forget already?"

"Would you two lighten up and forgive each other, Aztec and I wanna get some sleep as does Button." Jimber neighed aloud. "It's happened, it's over, it is said and done, in the past now. Get over it! And make sure something like that doesn't happen to each other or our riders again, clear? I am getting so tired of this endless bickering you too."

"Yeah, sure, okay, Dad." Chili teased Jimber. He did act like the Daddy of all the horses.

"You okay, Calypso?" asked Scarlet.

"Molly's new to jumping, Scarlet, I'm not sure she's prepared enough for it." said Calypso worried.

"Just take it slow with her." said Button. "I'm not sure I am gonna be ready just yet for the big jumping show coming up after that fall I had thanks to Chili biting me yesterday. Jimber asked you to say you're sorry, so are you gonna do what Dad says?"

"I'm sorry, I bit you Button, I'll never do it again."

"You sure won't, because if you do I'll put you back in your place, Chili and bite you myself after the lesson is all over and done, colt." Jimber snorted. "And stop calling me Daddy Horses please, dear herd."

"Ah, but you're the oldest, and you were never much behaving like a colt." teased Calypso towards Jimber.

"That's because I don't think Jimber ever was a colt, he was born old." Button whinnies what would become a classic line of hers later on as she would repeat it over and over again as time flowed on. "He was born old, which is why we entreat you with the honorary name of Dad Horse."

The other horses neighed together including Aztec and it sounded like horses laughing happily.

Chili's Pov
"Who knew Moonlight would still be a spooky a bout 24 hrs later." I snorted under my breath as I pawed the messy straw in my hay. This is what I get for disappointing Chloe a stinky stall in front of the new rich girl who joined the stables, Sarah. The moon is taunting me just like the other four horses are taunting me, Aztec, Calypso, Button and Pepper. At least Jimber doesn't tease me as bad as the other four horses do. He really is our Father horse the boss horse of our stable herd here.

"Angora, is this more of your catty gossip?" asked Button for clarification knowing how much the Turkish Angorian barn cat leapt to conclusions in an instant without thinking.

"Very funny!" huffed Angora. "I got it straight from the horse's mouth "richest girl in the known universe" that's what Bailey said."

"You know Pepper, her new horse is gonna be a real thoroughbred." added Chili cheerfully.

"With papers of course." agrees Pepper. "Oh, at last, somebody we can talk to Chili."

"You can have all the papers is the world and it's not going to make you a better jumper." Button had teased them both gently yesterday.

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