Sarah Whitney

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(Official proof that Bailey's Mother's name is Eva-Marie not Ava-Marie, they have the wrong information on the fandom website

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(Official proof that Bailey's Mother's name is Eva-Marie not Ava-Marie, they have the wrong information on the fandom website. This name was in the captions of the English version on Tubi on the Horseland show. I have added a picture up above where the captions on it and spell out both names of Bailey's Mom and Dad.) (If you're only seeing the video sliding the top of the chapter left you'll see the picture. Thank you.) Normaniforever4 kittycatlover23
That's me, I'm Sarah Whitney your average blonde English American in looks but I'm not so much that proper girl my parents wanted me to be not since I was 5 at my old elementary school.

"I'm not taking the Limo Daddy!" I exclaims. "Such an embarrassment. I was late to school all the time. Why? That'll I'll save for later. It's going to come up. I'm 11 years old, we moved to Silversprings Colorado and I had signed up for lessons at Horseland Ranch. My trainer Will Taggert, cousin of the Ranch owner's kid, Bailey Handler, son of John Green and Eva Green née Handler. Everyone called her Ava but on the website she says she prefers Eva herself. And the Ranch Manager Mr. Rodriguez, and his daughter Alma are often involved in the Ranch activities. I don't know if I will have classmates. But I do start my new school soon. My new high-school soon. I hope I can make good friends before then. And not just any friends truly fresh and new really talented individuals as friends who don't care about money or fancy looks. Money can never buy you friendship. Why? It has not a single heart beat in it and that also means it has not a single soulfulness connected to it. People are ruled by two things it's either possession or a soulful connection through love and compassion by forgiveness and good acts. I believe in the later; I believe those who stick to the foremost option will fade from us. - Sarah Whitney.

She closed her journal and smiled up at the huge towns. She had no idea magic would meet them here in Silversprings Colorado. This town was built on the western side of the Rocky Mountains. A lot of protected wildlife was protected by these loving trail riding ranchers. People took the ground of the Earth's needs into consideration with their something you can not see happening anywhere else in the world of the United States or if it is it's being very ignored by many. Simple pleasures have been preserved here and I couldn't wait to do both stand out and mingle with others as myself. I'm not my parents' daughter; I have to make that clear to you readers. I'm myself I'm Sarah, English American with curly bright blonde hair, and ice like piercing blue eyes. Skin tone a normal vanilla shine.

I frowned as I saw the limousine out front. I hated doing this. I hated the fact that I was ricj and born into a rich family and it makes me feel like all the people here staring hated me for my riches and because of my riches. My true treasure was my Arabian mare, Scarlet she was a rare find for a riding partner and I already knew she had a home in Heaven that would wait for her to wait for me.

"Sarah, daughter it's time to go to the Ranch."

"Coming Daddy!" I called back putting away the book in my book bag. My wealthy dressed Father had me enter the backseat. Scarlet had already been calmly put into the trailer. The engine snorted our driver hit the gas pedal and I waved to my Dad as we left our new home. Eurgh. Oh, Lord please help me make some friends. I don't want to be seen, "Oh so she's rich, she must be a mean girl. Please let it be a positive experience. It was a good thing my parents were busy they might have made it so much worse anyways. The beginning episode when and where Lisa's Mom is driving her to her ranch riding lessons and because she is too busy talking to her daughter she doesn't see the sign Horses here; please slow down yellow yield signs with black text in an open clear to see and clearly visible for all to read.... and she nearly hit two riders giving them and their horses a panic attack.  That's in the Saddle Club the very first episode... if there's one more thing I hate worse than being born into a wealthy family with this constant knowing it all opinions of me—I loathe terrible drivers most of all snooty and rich terrible drivers. There's no point to being a maniac on country roads unless you have a road rage tried and true death wish. Luckily for me, my parents hired different people to drive. They hate cars. I know that is a little different am I right? They don't want to learn to drive them because it prevents them from giving back something to the community.

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