Horseland Ranch

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Sarah's Driver opened the front door for her. And went around back to help the other two out. Bailey waved as he saw the girls.

"Mind if I walk around Sarah?" Mr. Brownwoods asked. Sarah shook her head to institute she did not mind. But she hugged Bailey.

"What do you think Bailey?" She inquired.

"It's totally fine; just try not to make too much noise."

"Of course, you have my word young man." said Mr. Brownwoods.

Chloe and Zoey were super surprised when Alma and Molly got out of the back of Sarah's limousine.

"You guys got to ride her limousine here."

"I feel cheated Chloe."

"Oh, Zoey and Chloe you shouldn't I'll have my Driver give you a ride home since the others have rides in the evening tonight," said Sarah. She wasn't mean enough to completely exclude them but she also did that for her parents to prove that Horseland was the perfect place for her. If she could meet Chloe and Zoey's parents maybe her Mother would be relieved she had at least one rich American Family's number in her phone.

"Zoey, Alma will help you groom Pepper today get going you two now," Will said urgently.

"Chloe because of Chili's uncanny behavior yesterday Alma is going to ride him first since Button is still recuperating. Yes, I said you will share your horse. This isn't a punishment for the riders it is to teach the horses that they must be able to cooperate with other horses in any given emergency which means they can not always get their favorite rider.

"I already groomed Chili, Chloe so you need to tack him up with your tack I have to replace Alma's stirrups that came off her saddle yesterday during the accident."
Chloe stood silent and walked away to the horse at the first stall and cross ties. Zoey and Alma were grooming Pepper in her stall.

Chili could tell his owner was sad when they met eyes.

"Chili, why did you behave like that? No I'm not allowed to ride you first; thought you were a better stallion than this Chili." Chloe sighs. "Better get you tacked up for Alma. Can't believe I'm using my own tack, but at least, it is not like she hasn't done it with you already Chili besides we need riders to look after the horses and ride them wherever Zoey and I take separate vacation weeks."

Chloe placed a lavender blue English saddle blanket on Chili's back it had lavender blue cinch straps on it. They went diagonally away from Chili's withers. A white half pad went on-top of the saddle blanket. Both these tools sat below the withers which meant where the mane stopped on the horse. Zoey lifted her lavender blue Endurance saddle which was slightly fabricated in the the middle part of the seat for comfort. Chloe lifted the saddle flap on the left side of the saddle and wrapped the cinch strap of the saddle blanket round the 2nd and 3rd billet straps that. She picked up the girth and slipped the girth belt through the strap at the side bottom of the saddle blanket first and then starting syncing in the 3rd Billet strap to the girth by getting it to puncture the first hole via the buckle there and she moved on to attach the girth to the second billet strap. She ducked under the crosstie rope and walked around the front of her horse and stood behind his head and pulled the girth across and slipped it through the side bottom strap of the saddle blanket the whole girth belt slipped through that and the same way she did the last one lifting up her saddle flap, she attached the 2nd billet strap to hole one. The buckle clinked then she moved to attach the 3rd lavender billet strap. Zoey and Alma had moved fast. Alma led Pepper outside carefully. Chloe looks considerately at Alma's height and she lengths the stirrups Chili was used to the 15. which meant she gone two up for her. "

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