Weather Balloon

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Sarah stepped out of the shower and got changed behind a clothes' partition into her red  nightgown, pulled on her red socks over her feet and slip on into her red fuzzy slippers.

She could hear noises coming from Zoey's room. She went out to the balcony.

"Zoey what's all that stuff?" She asked.

"A weather balloon," said Zoey. "You know anything about how to attach this parachute, rigging, and payload? I never been good at attaching technology."

"Yeah, sure I'll be right over, my Uncle taught me how to put lots of devices together." Sarah said. "Looks like Chloe just started her shower."

Sarah exits her room. She walks the hallway to her left since when she came in she was facing the opposite way which made the directions flip flop.

"So that blue thing is the parachute so attach it first to the balloon string, now time to secure the rigging onto that and now we need to first put a tracker device on the payload, and then we'll attach the payload and volia it's ready to head up up into the sky, do you know who the tracker's relaying."

"Ah, yes, an ecology buddy of mine who's interested in becoming a weather reporter here in Silversprings, Colorado, Sarah, I'm naming this one this SWWB. Thanks to you, it would never have gone up in time. Would you like to do the honors?"

"Ah, that's so sweet. And sure." says Sarah she released the balloon into the sky. "How high will it go?"

"Possible 9,000 meters in elevation upwards, could you give me a second, Miss Whitney?"

"No problem, you're giving your friend a call aren't you?" said Sarah. Sarah's brilliant blonde hair already dried out by now. The SWWB, it cheered her up that balloon named for her. Perfect.

"Hi, Teun, yes, I am trying, I've been trying to get into the ecology club for years, bestie." Zoey spoke. "Look you have the equipment, I sent up a weather balloon can you keep an eye on the one S two Ws and and a B on it. Yes, you will thank you. I will. Bye."

"Sounds like you got a crush on this boy friend of yours?" asks Sarah.

"He's just a really good friend who happens to be a boy." said Zoey running to the sink of hers and gagging.

"Ah huh, I wonder if that is so." huffed Sarah nonchalantly. "Not my business though, spa time, right?"

"You better believe it." Zoey said. "Nothing like a face mask right before bed. You pick the face masks tonight that we're all doing tonight, girl!"

"Oh, okay, show me the choices, Zoey." urged Sarah.

"1. Strawberry Face Mask, 3. Tomato Face Mask, 5. Egg Face Mask, believe or not it's a misunderstanding and misconception when people say raw egg will hurt you, it is what os on the shell that's the real problem." Zoey spoke aloud. "We get our eggs from Horseland they have their own chicken coop and we wash the eggshells before we use the eggs for anything, then there is 7. Oatmeal Face Mask, 9. Besan Face Mask, 11. Avacado Face Mask, 13. Orange Face Mask, 15. Multani Mitti Face Mask. And these are the options Chloe has in her room. 2. Aloe Vera Face Mask, 4. Honey and Milk Face Mask, 6. Turmeric Face Mask, 8. Banana Face Mask, 10. Olive Oil Face Mask, 12. Cucumber Face Mask, 14. Papaya Face Mask, and last but not least #16. Yogurt Face Mask."

"Let's not do #12, it's too popular already."

"Okay, no #12 Face Mask, Zoey and I don't like smelling like cucumbers anyways so that's good for all of us then."

"Save 14 for Molly's party on Friday everyone's suppose to bring an activity to her home." said Sarah. "Papaya would be perfect for the Dashiki. What's Alma doing for the party for Molly? Chloe will need to think of something to do too."

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