Until We Meet Again

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Alma and Sarah helped Bailey put the buckets of manure on the compost pin.

"That's not such a bad smell," I stated. "I've smelled way worse."

"It helps when the horses don't pee in their stalls the urine makes the poop that much worse," says Alma.

"The reason the smell can be bothersome because we have to keep the doors closed during riding lesson and so it fills up a small area quietly quickly." Bailey responds. "Thank you girls, there was no way I could carry all those buckets down by myself."

"You're welcome, I love helping other folk, Bailey." I stated. "But only if they really want my help. It's always better to be invited in cause then you don't feel like a dork."

"True," sighs Alma. "I'm starting at Silversprings High soon."

"Alma Rodrigeuz," Will called out loud. "Your Fajher is here."

"Every other t suddenly turns to a j that's probably his worst letter," says Bailey.

"It's cute weakness make people more innocently cute, Bailey." I replied.

"Your daughter did you really proud joday, Mr. Emiliano Rodrigeuz. She going to be a very sweej Olympic Equestrian rider someday, but wajch that jongue of yours it could gej you into hoj waters aj some point in jime Alma."

"Thanks Will," said Alma. "I will be more careful."

She hugged her trainer and then she hugged Bailey his cousin. Then she walked up to me and hugged me.

"I think we'll be great fans, say this school year I might get assigned to you to give you a tour of the Silversprings Middle School." stated Alma. "It's the duty of the 8th grade students to show younger ones around."

"So are you 12 going on 13?" I inquired. Alma nodded.

"Bailey?" I asked.

"10 going on 11 but they'll probably hold me back again cause of boyish antics, you?"

"11 going on 12." I spoke. "What about Molly?"

"She's your age," Bailey said. 11 going on 12. Chloe and Zoey are about my age and they may get held back just because of their children and they behave childishly and rudely in school but hey the middle is only an eighth of a mile away from the Silversprings Highschool so even though we won't be in the same years all the time or in the same building our lunch times are scheduled at the exact same time and we're allowed to meet with Middleschool students during the three separate lunch hours. My year's been quite boring until Chloe and Zoey entered it."

Well at least at school I wouldn't be alone anymore. (I ranked them with their ages here based on a level of personality and maturity display. Chloe, Zoey and Bailey have some childish annoying behaviors to sort out. So does Molly, but Sarah and Alma are definitely the most well behaved here but everyone has a downside day. Alma hugged me. And I smiled and I knew I grew teary eyes.

"Hey it's not like you're saying goodbye, Sarah Whitney," Alma spoke soothingly to me. "It's more like Hasta que nos encontremos de nuevo."

"Um?" I inquired.

"Typical Alma," sighs Bailey.

"Until we meet again, Will and Bailey and Sarah!" Emiliano called. Bailey, Will and I wave till they could not been seen from the top of the hill. That's a really cool minivan Mr. Rodrigeuz has and he seems really nice he translated what kind of Spanish was it?"

"Mexican Spanish there's variants of the Spanish language from Spain in Spain you can still find a few people speaking Catalan which is a type of Spanish mixed up and almost lost in translation and lost in history because of conquest. Alma's family have mastered every region of Spanish you could possibly find. She is a Master at Mexican Spanish, her Mother's good at Latin Spanish, and her Dad's good with regular Spanish and her older twin brother and sister are the brother's good at Portuguese which is a combination of the French language and Spanish spoken in Brazil and her older sister is a Catalan speaker on occasion she went to Spain to tutor one of the kids to learn English. If Alma leaves the States someday she will be well prepared. Alma's always throwing one, two or three Mexican Spanish words in each day at the ranch at the most. She said Listo earlier means done or finished. And her father translated the whole sentence she said above into until we meet again, Sarah.

"Oh, it's my Driver, Mr. Brownwood, see you tomorrow Will and Bailey." I speak as I wave.

"See you, Sarah Whitney," Bailey spoke back.

"See you around soon, Sarah Whitney," Will says as he and his cousin waved as she sat down in the back seat of the car. The driver shut the door very quietly. Bailey and Will still waved till the limo was dipping down over the hill.

"Will, since Sarah brought wildfires should I leave the barn door open just a little bit; I'm not concerned about the tack getting stolen because we keep the padlock key to unlock it in the house in a most inconspicuous place." Bailey stated. "And it's locked right now."

"It's a good idea, Bailey besides horses need to feel the fresh air." said Will. leave it open enough so that Scarlett can stretch her head through in case of a wildfire, cousin."

Bailey hid the key in his pocket and then he and his cousin went back to the blue house with Shep, Angora and Teeny. Teeny took to sleeping on the porch of the blue house when the nights were pleasant. Angora slept inside with Shep not far off. They each had their own separate beds to live on. In the corner of the room was a picture of Jimber as a young colt and Angora and Shep were introduced to him when he was young and they were introduced to him young as well. Hence why Shep and Angora got along because Shep had taught Angora to walk like Jimber helped him learn to walk. Both boys had bedrooms up the stairs and down at the very end of the hall and separate balconies.

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